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  1. dsotm

    Aram Von Benedikt

    Not reading the whole thread but is the other party mad because their bad shooting couldn’t kill the deer?
  2. dsotm

    Utah Muzzleloader Proposed Changes

    Just keep supporting restrictions until they take everything away smh
  3. dsotm

    AZ OTC Sold Out?

    It's time to raise the non-resident fees and move to a draw system. Missed revenue stream. Neighboring states are a lot more expensive comparatively.
  4. dsotm

    Muzzleloader Question

    After using BH209 I will not go back to others
  5. dsotm

    WTB CVA Paramount bottom metal

    Anyone upgrade stocks and change bottom metal and have the original left over?
  6. dsotm

    Barrel Break-In

  7. dsotm

    Listen up Californians!

    So they can continue to infect neighboring states by voting for the same crap that ruined the state they're fleeing?
  8. dsotm

    New Mexico gun ban

    Treasonous behavior should be treated as such
  9. dsotm

    AZ bison hunt

    Be prepared for the guides up there acting like they own the land
  10. dsotm

    Arizona Deer Draw Started

    Same tag 8 years in a row for me 😎
  11. dsotm

    Arizona Deer Draw Started

    Around 0900
  12. dsotm

    Arizona Deer Draw Started

    Duwayne got caught baiting, he's done for
  13. dsotm

    Arizona Deer Draw Started

    Got hit for 3 tags
  14. dsotm

    Future of Muzzleloader hunting

    Why stop with muzzleloaders? Take away bow sights and only allow recurves. Let's let them take away until there is nothing left to take!
  15. dsotm

    Great video never did jump on the 6.5 bandwagon myself.

    Spomer is as fudd as it gets. Nothing he says should be taken seriously.
  16. dsotm

    6.5 creed vs 30-06

    Fudds will never be convinced even in the face of data that they don't need their uber magnums
  17. dsotm

    SWFA Question?

    You're not seeing your impact at all with that kind of magnification.
  18. dsotm

    2023 AZ Elk Draw

    If your card got hit you have a tag. AZGFD has the worst site in the country. It will reflect the correct info eventually.