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  1. velvetfvr

    Score this buck??

    I'd say close to 140 but need more pics
  2. velvetfvr

    Gotta love a double

    Now that's a hunt!
  3. velvetfvr

    Nebraska Sandhills muley

    Killing a 200" buck, let alone with a bow, who cares what a book defines a booner. You just did something most hunters will never do, kill a 200" buck and with a bow. That's freakin awesome.
  4. velvetfvr

    2015 North Dakota Badlands Archery Buck

    Second this. It only took me 4 years but I wanted a good buck, and it's funny how "easy" it is when it happens, but it sure is frustrating. But I'd never hunt any other way. Congrats
  5. velvetfvr

    2015 Giant Archery typical

    Awesome buck
  6. velvetfvr

    Sitka or Kuiu??? - Your input on the better system

    I get Sitka at a discount also, I haven't messed with kuiu or first lite. I'm sure it's quality pieces but I love my Sitka, from the pattern, to the tests they are to endure and the designers background, the gear works. It's pricey but so are the others. Best is to find what fits you best. Just...
  7. velvetfvr

    2015 NV mule deer hunt w/ Jimmy (slim Jim)

    I've only been able to hunt this year with friends since I didn't pull a tag, and it's been really weird this year. Kinda glad I actually didn't draw almost because it has to be frustrating.
  8. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Well guys the tag goes unsuccessful. My father just doesn't have the desire to get it done with a bow so we left. I got him 40 yards stalking from a 75" buck, but the does came out first and then took him away without a shot. Nothin came down to the lower water with all the traffic...
  9. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Well had no signal at the blind today. Didn't miss anything though. 4 rifle scouters drove through and looks like pushed all the antelope around and maybe out of the canyon. Not one came in nor did I glass any up. Only a 100 chukar and a yote.
  10. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Sorry dates changed to tomorrow through Monday. Headed out tomorra morning!
  11. velvetfvr

    15 power binoculars

    Bought the vortex high country tripod and it's a great combo.
  12. velvetfvr

    15 power binoculars

    Love my vortex viper hds. Quality glass at a great price and warranty.
  13. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Extended forecast for the 13-16, 96-98 13,14,15, with the 16th bein 102! It'll be hot but that's what we need to get them water in every day!
  14. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Whack him, as soon as he's dead get a few pics then straight to capin and quartering him. We're only 4 miles of drivin down the canyon to the truck. So once a he's all cut up, we put the meat in a large white ice chest lined with block ice on the bottom, then those are covered and then the meat...
  15. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Welp had to leave around 11 today. Someone's comin to look at a truck were sellin. The antelope have switched to a new spring as scouters for rifle have pushed them off the normal springs. So I'll relocate the blind and we'll be back hunt the 13th-16th.
  16. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Nice and breezy today. High somewhere around 90. Cloudy. Looks like possible T storms Also.....
  17. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Havin 6 hours asleep and up 17 I crashed before last nights update. No more came in. In fact it looks like #2 and all the does I saw with him before the opener left the canyon at least for yesterday. All the antelope on top, which were 5 were the only 5 to come in. I don't know if they got...
  18. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Update. 2 bucks have only come in with multiple does behind us. One that just past his ears and another a touch over 60". He also was less then 20 yards from the blind so when I went to barely move a flap he saw me. He blew but still wasn't convinced to leave for danger. He just chased the...
  19. velvetfvr

    Live hunt-2015 Nv archery pronghorn

    Antelope are kickin @$$ today. Not ones come to drink. Just had a truck and quad leave the canyon. Maybe they'll come drink now!