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  1. velvetfvr

    Kuiu vest on ebay...funny stuff

    Nothin like the truth haha
  2. velvetfvr

    full draw film tour

    2013 was an awesome year for the tour. It's gotten worse each year since. Get the "rivers divide" by Donnie Vincent aka sic manta. Best hunting video I've ever seen
  3. velvetfvr

    WOLVES..."Do You Realize Now What You Have Done?..."

    Predation is the number one factor that will control the rise and decrease of herbivore populations. Now it is not even possible to let nature run its course because there isn't enough habitat left with growing populations of humans. As human population grows and expands depleting habitat, the...
  4. velvetfvr

    Hunting experience with Limbdriver Pro V

    Felt on the riser shelf and it's dead silent
  5. velvetfvr

    Executive Action

    Just to say this, are there even any good politicians left? They're all crooked in their own way. The fact trump can make this a comedic routine while running shows how bad these politicians are. I honestly don't know how most democrats feel taking guns away will solve the problem. Just makes...
  6. velvetfvr

    Ata 2016?

    Not open to the public
  7. velvetfvr

    An AIRbow?

    I definitely think compounds definitely make it easier to shoot but your still pulling a string back, holding it back yourself while aiming. That's what I consider archery anyways. I wouldn't call crossbows and this archery because the "archer" doesn't hold the string or arrow back by themselves.
  8. velvetfvr

    An AIRbow?

    Thank god it won't be allowed in nv archery seasons. That's not even archery
  9. velvetfvr

    31'' Colorado buck 3rd season

    Great beams to go with the width!
  10. velvetfvr

    Ford Trucks '06-'07

    What will the truck be used for?
  11. velvetfvr

    2015 official mule deer meat pole

    Mother's nv buck
  12. velvetfvr

    SITKA survey and donation

    Mdf. Asked for tall sizes. Muleys need a lot of help
  13. velvetfvr

    Who puts different strings on a new bow?

    Switch out before I shoot the bow. Stocks then go to a backup/ emergency set
  14. velvetfvr

    Air shox and poi

    Look at all the Hoyt "finish" splinters on the limbs since 2013. All start at the air shox unless you've hit the limb sideways on something. The constant slapping of the rubber on the limbs, especially with that finish, will cause and cause the splinters. Didn't Hoyt stop the air shox this...
  15. velvetfvr

    MT Elk Shoulder Season

    Hunting is the art of killing and eating animals for the value they give us. The end goal is to KILL. People get to kill these animals and utilize they're resource. All the while it helps lower the population to the objective. I don't mind people making it or wanting hunting to be challenging...
  16. velvetfvr

    Air shox and poi

    The standard ones that come on the hoyts? I'd take them off, all they do is cause limbs to splinter.
  17. velvetfvr

    2013 Hoyt spyder turbo great condition

    Bow is sold Don't know how to close the thread though