Search results

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    Best bino Harness for Swaro EL Range 10 x 42

    On mine, they just dropped into the pouch.
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    Keeping blood off a pack

    I used a garbage bag this week for my whitetail and still got some blood on my SG. But I was proud of the 'character' markings! That said, I'll hose it off when I can get to it.
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    2015 season in photos

    Unbelievable pictures!
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    At my largest, I weight 280. In August 28, 2012, I woke up feeling just as tired and pathetic as I did when I went to bed. That day was Turning Point #1 in my life. I went to the office and got rid of every piece of candy and nutty bar that I had stashed. I began eating healthier and dropped...
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    SG belt sizes

    I know I'm not blind but mine is a June 14 model and I can't find a tag one on it. I'll measure like you did Ryan. Thanks for pointing that out. I noticed the lumbar pad looks different than mine. I have the non slip material only in the center of the pad. Yours looks completely covered???
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    SG belt sizes

    Anyone know if the SG (3-piece) belt is marked for size? I can't remember what I bought and need to go down one.
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    Core 4 Merino

    Thanks for the replies! Lots of options--info overload sometimes. But glad to have choices.
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    Core 4 Merino

    Local shop had some C4 Merino...itched me terribly. I need a longsleeve but how do the other brands compare in the 'itch' category?
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    Justin Davis

    Hope you can post up a picture or 2 of some good kills!
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    Justin Davis

    Sweet, I'll check it our. I've always liked his kill pics.
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    Justin Davis

    That's a good reason not to post!
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    Justin Davis

    I don't see his posts anymore...he still around?
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    diy gaiters

    Lookin great!
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    Meat Hauler

    Reminds me of Arkansas. See that here w/ whitetails that have nice 'crowns.'
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    Help me find a hip pack

    Doea the Nimrod have a framesheet or stays to keep it from sagging when loaded?
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    Finally pulled the trigger on a SG pack!!!

    SG shipped my Serac bag today.
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    Giving Stone Glacier a try

    Yeah, you'll like the pack a lot. I use my Solo for hunting and use the load shelf/frame without the bag while beaver trapping. Like any other pack, give yourself time to learn how to adjust it for a perfect fit. Kurt is a great resource for this as are those of us who are avid users. Let us...
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    Spike camp questions

    Thanks. I thought it was pretty close. Does the SC function ok as a daypack if you pull off the waist belt when you don't have a big load?
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    Spike camp questions

    Size-wise, does anyone know if the top opening of the Spike Camp is about the same as the Urban Zippy?
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    Umlindi vs spike camp

    Strange thing about the Ute, to me, is the lack of product reviews. How well does it haul a load?