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    First DIY Backpack Hunt

    Personally i think EXO is the best, but Stone glacier is good also. I had a Kuiu pack and i might as well used a jansport.
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    Danner Thorofare Review

    I returned 3 pairs of Danner boots this last fall due to them falling apart, I looked at these but couldnt take the risk, i think danner 10 years ago was awesome since then i believe they went cheap, hopefully these boots are made to last. I just bought the Crispi guides.
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    Idaho Mule Deer Management Plan 2020-2025

    I just hope Idaho doesn't limit the non-res for the general season!!!
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    Crispi boots. Insulated vs non insulated

    I would recoomend the insulated, their 200g isnt much. espesicly if you hunt idaho, i had 400g Danners (worst boots ever) in Idaho this year and while glassing my feet were cold. I plan to get the cripi wild rocks.
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    Bino Harness

    yeah I really like the kuiu pro harness, you would probly have to get there xl to fit the 50mm.
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    Best 20* sleeping bag lightweight

    I have the nemo 0 degree, got it from moose jaw for 330, super warm and light weight
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    Hunt Video- 2019 Frank Church Mule Deer Hunt!!!

    Didnt see anything, pretty disappointing
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    Hunt Video- 2019 Frank Church Mule Deer Hunt!!!

    Hey guys check our my video of me and my buddy’s 2019 mule deer hunt. Let me know what you think.
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    Crossing Salmon river with cheap raft? Idaho unit 20-20A

    Yeah I know it’s not the best area but if you hunt hard enough they are in there. And does anybody know when the new stoddard bridge will be built? Also which are the main jet boat companies in there area?
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    Crossing Salmon river with cheap raft? Idaho unit 20-20A

    O dang thanks for the info, I just assumed that in the fall it is a calm weak river, I guess not. I will pm with other questions.
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    Crossing Salmon river with cheap raft? Idaho unit 20-20A

    Has any one crossed the salmon river in a cheap raft during the fall? looking to just cross it from unit 20 to 20A since the Stoddard Bridge is out? Would it be sketchy?