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  1. D

    Sitka Rant - disappointed

    This thread is comical, seems a lot of people have a hard time understanding the difference between "user wear" and "manufacture defect". If you do understand the difference and still think the company response is way off base, then you're either delusional or disingenuous. If you truly don't...
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    Game bags

    Ive used TAG and Allens both work fine, nowadays I just make my own.
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    Questions for SEEK OUTSIDE - Podcast

    Any plans for a truly large expedition style pack bag with internals above 7K?
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    Sheep pack out methods

    I always say I'm gunna do some fire roasted ribs but I seem to have a problem slowing down and enjoying my time after tagging out. A sheep between 2 guys is nice which is the only time I weighed my pack after a pack out, it was 92 I think. My last 2 sheep my partner and I doubled so we just one...
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    Kimber Mountain thoughts

    Yea, that gunsmith is dead wrong, that's one of the easiest triggers to adjust and is excellent IMO. As for the action its a CRF so you really cant compare it to a tikka PF action in regards to smoothness of cycling, but yes the Kimber does smooth up nicely with use. Btw you made an excellent...
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    Best Waders for Alaska

    Any waders will work for one pump, if your planning on getting some waders for long term/heavy use, Simms g3's or Patagonia Rio Gallegos waders are a good place to start and end your search.
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    Sleeping bag for brooks range

    Im partial to my 15deg bag for most hunts in the fall. On my sheep hunt up there last august it got pretty cold a few nights and I was happy with and my BA Slx pad and bag. Not to say you couldn't get buy with a 30deg bag an a good pad though, everyone is different.
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    Suppressor Help: 5" vs 7" cans for Hunting

    My omega with ti end caps is a hair over 6" and around 12oz,might be a good option for you?. btw silencerco does a mill discount through their Speq program, think I paid around 750 for my Omega.
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    9MM ammo for bears defense?

    I wanted grouse for dinner and that was the smallest firearm I had, so I head shot a few, worked great lol
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    Barrett Fieldcraft Stock

    You can shorten any stock you want no matter the material. Its a pretty straightforward process diy or any gunsmith will do it for a 150$ or so.
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    Kifaru Aluminum or Composite Stays

    Get the aluminum, its nice to be able to customize them to the profile of your back if needed.
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    Shoes for pack training

    I wear my trail runners for pack training in all terrains and for heavy loads. If you have weak feet/ankles start with a lighter pack and or use more supportive footwear.
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    Lightweight load carrying pack for 10days

    NOt sure if you've ever packed any real heavy loads with your Kifaru, if you have and it was comfortable id stick with that frame and get a lighter bag. That said I have a unaweep 6300 from Seek outside, besides some minor complaints it is by far the most comfortable setup I've used under heavy...
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    Wind Layer Options

    The Patagonia houdini is a great option, I've done a decent amount of bushwhacking with it and its fairly durable for what it is. As with any ultralight stuff it is more fragile escpellialy once the fabric starts to wear. Might be worth looking at the arcteryx sqamish as well.
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    Stripped Screws on EGW Rail?

    Get one of these for your tool kit...
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    Alaska DIY Pant/Rain Gear Suggestions

    If your hunting deer in august, in the Sound or SE that means the deer are in the alpine aka above the tree line, you are boating there so your going to be going on a decent hike to get to the game. So waders an HH are not a great option due to the level of physical output reqd. Although there...
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    2019 Sheep "meatpole"

    What kind of "Jig" are they using to determine legality?
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    SG new rain gear, M5, thoughts?

    Yea not real impressed long term with the waterproofness of any event product I've used either, breathability seams good though. My experience is with some west comb pants and jacket fwiw. In my opinion there is a fine line between breathability and waterproof ratings when finding the perfect...
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    Help with building my sleep set-up

    Personally id get get a 20 and a 0 deg down bag, whatever brand/sizing works best for you is your choice. In addition id get a summer pad and a winter pad, and exchange them with aforementioned bags as temps dictate. I am fond of my xlite pad for the summer and my xtherm+zlite pad for winter.
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    Kimber Hunter in 6.5 Creedmoor - Let the Project Begin!

    Get lows for sure.