Search results

  1. H

    Ruby's Nevada

    I have 3 points also, and really hoping to finally hunt Nevada this summer. I've never put in for the Ruby's, though. I guess I always figured it would be overrun with hunters.
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    Vortex Rangefinder

    Thanks for the info on the warranty. With that, I think I'll be ordering one. Does anyone know who has the best deal, or is $379 the going rate everywhere?
  3. H

    Vortex Rangefinder

    Does this rangefinder have the VIP warranty that Vortex offers on their binos. I'm in the market for a new rangfinder, and that would definitely be a deciding factor for me.
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    Utah archery hunt - Plateau Thousand Lakes

    Thanks for the information. Looking on Google Earth, I think Mytoge Mtn. is in the Plateau-Fish Lake area and not the Thousand Lakes unit. I could be completely wrong, though. ATVs are one thing I really want to try an avoid. I'll gladly hunt lesser areas to try and avoid them.
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    Utah archery hunt - Plateau Thousand Lakes

    I'll be heading to Utah for the first time on an archery hunt in the Plateau Thousand Lakes unit. I've been looking over maps, etc., but still not sure what type of hunt to expect. Should I plan a backpack style hunt or drag my father along and make camp a little more confy, right out of the...
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    Utah Credit Card hits have started

    I received my confirmation for a general achery deer hunt Plateau/Thousand Lakes. I can't wait for August.
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    Golite SL3 dimensions

    Thanks for the info. I've been considering ordering one. It seems like a nice versatile set-up for one or two hunters.
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    Golite SL3 dimensions

    Do any of you happen to know the weight of the fly without the nest or center pole. I couldn't find the info on Golite's site.
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    Cheapo light weight tent

    For that price, how could you not buy it! Looks like it would be perfect for some early season hikes/camps with a wife or child. Not sure I'd swant to share one with a hunting partner or trust it in any nasty weather (although it might be fine). I'll have to keep an eye out for one or two at...
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    Help with a new me

    I'm no fitness expert, but I think one of the most important things is to keep goals and plans realistic. Is it something that can work with your lifestyle or that you can alter your lifestyle to make work? For me, I'd love to wake up every morning at 4 am and go to the gym and eat nothing but...
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    Utah Credit Card hits have started

    Looks like I'll be making my first trip to the state Utah for a general archery hunt. It's always fun to do somethig new. Now I just need to wait and see which unit I drew.
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    Nimrod packs

    All my Nimrod equipment has been bomb proof. I've put the pinnacle pack through a lot of abuse and it has held up beyond expectations. I'll continue to use it as a day pack for many more years. However, I've never been able to get the pack frame to work for me. No matter how I adjust it, all...
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    lightweight packs

    I have a Golite Terrono that I have loaded with 78lbs right now. I hike with it 2-3 times a week, and it is very comfortable. I also load it up with another 20 when I get on the Eliptical. So far the bag has shown absolutely no sign of wear, but I don't trust the belt buckle and will...
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    compare tipi's

    Does the Golite weight include the nest? 67oz seems a bit heavy. The one I've been considering buying is the Nemo Pentalite. It's a bit bigger than the ones you listed, probably a realistic three man as it's 146x130. I'm not 100% sure about the weight. They list it at 3.5 lbs, but that may...
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    Kuiu, Sitka, First Lite, Core 4, Kryptek...what say you?

    I have experience with both First Lite and Kuiu outerwear. The First Lite gear seems more comfortable to me in extremely hot weather, and I like the ASAT camo better. But overall, I prefer the Kuiu gear. The attack pants fit me perfectly and are extremely comfortable. They also held up much...
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    Nemo Pentalite

    Do you know if it would be possible to set this tent up so you could use a wood stove?
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    Superfeet green have worked great for me, but now I'm worried about the Gortex in my boots. Maybe that's why none of my cheap, Chinese made boots have ever lasted a season before leaking.
  18. H

    Nemo Pentalite

    Anyone have experience with the Nemo Pentalite tent? It seems like it could make a nice set up for a coulple hunters, and I've seen them on Amazon for under $300. It also has an optional bug net and floor for summer camping with the kids.
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    What are your elk plans for 2012?

    OTC general tag for western WA unless I happen to get lucky and draw a quality bull tag.
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    High country blacktails?

    I've lived in WA my whole life, but never hunted in the high country here. Elk seem to take priority in early September. Your pictures make me want to rethink that.