Search results

  1. focker34

    Welcome Outdoor Vision, Made in The USA (and win a bino harness)

    I have no issues with my AGC harness, but I am intrigued by the magnet closure and built in rain cover. To me, that really demonstrates that these guys understand their consumers. I'll be chasing mule deer with my bow until October. If successful before then, I will then target a good...
  2. focker34

    Eddie Bauer sleeping bag sale 40 % off. How are they?

    Pulled the trigger on one of their synthetic bags for the wife. Thanks for posting this up. It should be a major upgrade for her. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. focker34

    Airlines and Packs

    Last fall I carried on my Kifaru 26"frame with a emr2 cinched down tight. Didn't have any problems at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. focker34

    First Lite Cipher pattern and Giveaway!

    I'm in. Looking at the vapor stormlight for my escapades in Northern California for turkeys and pigs. Probably use it for my blacktail hunts up there as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. focker34

    SKRE Complete Review (+ Giveaway!!!), by Travis Bertrand

    I would be interested in trying them out. In the next month I will be archery hunting pigs in Northern California, backpack turkey hunting (also Northern California), setting trail cams if weather permits (nevada and California), not to mention shed hunting to fill in the blanks on days I...
  6. focker34

    Rokslide/Phone Skope User testing for iPhone 7 Plus

    Rokslide/Phone Skope Giveaway for iPhone 7 Plus users I'm not a part of the giveaway, but I have been using the phoneskope case on my new iPhone 7 plus and Robby gave me the go-ahead to post up my thoughts so far. The iPhone 7 plus Phoneskope case is designed to be utilized in the most...
  7. focker34

    Shed Hunting- is there mounting opposition?

    I would support a shed hunting season in all western states. Although, I would like to see season dates set depending on winter range conditions and current weather trends. I love shed hunting and getting out when there isn't much else to do, but I certainly see animals getting pushed around...
  8. focker34

    Rokslide/Phone Skope User testing for iPhone 7 Plus

    Rokslide/Phone Skope Giveaway for iPhone 7 Plus users Sweet offer. Too bad I just got my setup last week from phone skope for the 7 plus. I can post up my honest review once I get a little more time behind it though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. focker34

    Welcome Novagrade and Win a Novagrade Adapter System

    Right on. Thanks for the opportunity guys. I'm definitely intrigued. iphone 7 plus and vortex viper hd 65mm with a 15-45x eyepiece.
  10. focker34


    Late season I go to the chopper mitts. Picked that tip up from Randy Newberg. Not super functional for anything except keeping your fingers warm though.
  11. focker34

    I don't buy it

    I work in a skilled nursing facility. Based on my experience, I'd estimate 20% of my patients have had shingles. Of those 20%, I'd say 50/50 have had the vaccination.
  12. focker34

    Inergy Solar Quick Charge

    I've been looking for a lightweight solar charging device and saw last night that the hushin instagram page was offering a discount to their followers for a new product by Inergy Solar. I don't know much about Inergy solar, but at $55, I figured it would be worth a shot. World's First Solar...
  13. focker34

    REI xt85

    Loved mine while I had it (finally got a kifaru). A great pack at a great price.
  14. focker34

    OnX Roam vs Hunt

    I can only speak for the hunt application, but I assume that the Roam program lacks the unit boundaries, b&c breakdown for each big game species, guzzlers/springs, and habitat information that the hunt program utilizes.
  15. focker34

    Arby's is pro hunting???

    Arby's Commercial 2016 It's Meat Season - YouTube
  16. focker34

    Advice For Nevada Draw Strategy Next Year

    If I were you I would open up your range rather than limiting yourself to only the northwest corner of the state. Personally, I like to hunt every year, so I'm willing to put in for an area that is a little further away and maybe doesn't have a great success rate, but has a wilderness area that...
  17. focker34

    New old guy from NV

    Welcome! Good to see a fellow Nevadan