Search results

  1. H

    Mountain Training for Flat-Landers

    I know you said your leary of lifting weights because of a previous injury and I’m not a doctor and don’t know the details of your injury. With that said, the typical consensus among those who are educated in these things is not to avoid using those previously injured muscles/spine, but to...
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    Hairy-Eyed Whitetail

    And here I thought how aggravating and irritating it is to get a single eye lash in my eye. I can’t even imagine how obnoxious that would feel like?!
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    Having just completed a major DIY remodeling project on our house and spending 30 minutes to an hour sorting through the 2x4 to find 20 useable sticks, I can seriously relate. Too funny and aggravating at the same time!
  4. H

    Anyone running a day pack w dry bag in the meat shelf?

    I ended up mail ordering a Singer HD 4452. It works fine for my needs, but it does struggle when the layers start building up. It’s comes with 30 or so different stitch types, but once the layers start piling up, your really only limited to a straight stitch, which most DIY sewers say is...
  5. H

    Anyone running a day pack w dry bag in the meat shelf?

    Hmm... I stand corrected. I’ve been on Z-Packs site many times and bought a handful of stuff from them, but I don’t remember ever seeing that big bag before, and I’ve even gone there looking for that exact thing. I wonder if it’s a new item. Let us know how it works out for you once you get it...
  6. H

    How far do you drive for a diy trip

    I’ve done around 18 hours, each way, multiple times for elk hunting. This last year was the first time solo. It’s not bad at all. It’s only 2 roads surprisingly enough. Hit I-40 out of Memphis and then hang a right in Albuquerque on 550 and I’m there. Audio books are key. I do mostly...
  7. H

    For those that carry in the backcountry....

    In addition, I have a Desantis pocket holster for my pistol, which I installed some self-adhering heavy duty Velcro to it and the hook portion to the gun pouch on the chest rig. The pistol goes in the pocket holster and is then velcroed into the chest rig. It keeps the orientation and position...
  8. H

    For those that carry in the backcountry....

    They have several different models with different layouts. The minimalist one has just one main pouch for your pistol/mag. Putting other stuff in there with a loaded gun is not recommended. I have the larger V2 model and it has a separate pouch for my pistol and then a main pouch that can fit...
  9. H

    Anyone running a day pack w dry bag in the meat shelf?

    I’ve been trying to find a system like this for years. I started off with the Kifaru Nomad, but I don’t have a spotting scope and tripod, so the tube storage wasn’t very effective for me. I really like the idea of the Stryker XL, but from the pictures it looks like a big dry bag, like the...
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    Smoking meat

    You’ve gotten a lot of great suggestions, but they were in all kinds of different directions. I think you need to first narrow down your cooking method, because there are a lot of choices as evidenced in this thread. You can go with a traditional offset barrel stick burner smoker, a charcoal...
  11. H

    Best down puffy. That's actually warm

    The only way to be really objective about it is to compare the total garment weight, weight of the down in the garment and grade of down. Otherwise it’s like recommending a pack frame or boots and is so subjective. Some people are just hot blooded and don’t require much insulation and others...
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    WTT Approx 1000 rds of ammo....

    If you decide to break it up, let me know because I’m very interested in the bottom third![emoji58]
  13. H

    WTS WTS Like new Kifaru 44 Mag Bag

    Dadgummit!!! I got sucked into a Woodford Reserve Double Oaked bourbon review on Reddit this morning before work instead of doing my usual perusal of the RS classifieds looking for the ever elusive 44 or 357 mag. If the others before me back out, hit me up because I’m interested.
  14. H

    Larry Gougerfield

    A little food for thought: If more retailers “price gouged” there would be no ammo shortage and no hoarders profiteering off of the market imbalance. In addition, who/what determines the price line between fair and gouging? And, once that price is determined, should the price of the same item...
  15. H

    WTB 44 Mag RG

    If OP doesn’t take it, let me know what you want for it because I’m lusting after one too.
  16. H

    WTS KIFARU 44 MAG, 24” Tactical Frame, & Sherman Pocket

    I could possibly be interested in the 44 Mag bag only. Let me know if you decide to split it up.
  17. H

    Pants with stretch? Mainly kryptek but others?

    Duluth Trading Flexpedition pants have a good bit of stretch to them, are fairly rugged and won’t break the bank.
  18. H

    Jack Rabbit or Cottontail

    Here’s a west Tennessee swamp cotton tail. The thing that stuck out to me is the significant difference in size of the back feet between the OP and mine.
  19. H

    What meats and cheeses are "shelf stable" in the backcountry?

    I feel like with 2nd rifle, late October, your going to have more issues with food/water freezing versus going rancid. But, like everyone else already said, cheeses and cured meats will be fine. That’s the purpose of curing the meat. Cheeses may get moldy, if that happens, just trim the mold off...