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  1. MoeFaux

    Beginning bear hunt

    Here's everything I know about the guy I hired:
  2. MoeFaux


    Looks like you could use some help with that herd. . . I VOLUTEER AS TRIBUTE!
  3. MoeFaux


    I thought she was SO much smaller when I put her in my sights!
  4. MoeFaux


    ^^ This has been my experience
  5. MoeFaux

    Who has two thumbs from West Michigan? THIS GUY!

    edit Edit - it's a 10 year old bow, not 20. Small typo - big difference.
  6. MoeFaux

    It's Me vs. The Wife... you guys tell me who wins

    Instead of echoing the many "happy wife - happy life" comments, let's break it down from a risk v reward perspective: If you were able to talk her into a drop hunt, it seems you run a significant risk of her not enjoying the hunt. Whether she's uncomfortable in the camp due to bear concerns or...
  7. MoeFaux

    Who has two thumbs from West Michigan? THIS GUY!

    Greetings, all. I'm re-discovering my love for walking in the wilderness with a weapon in hand, so I've started up here to find deals and knowledge. I'm currently in final preparations for a central florida bowhunt next month, and slowly gearing up for a southern Oregan bear hunt in August...
  8. MoeFaux

    Fall '23 Idaho Bear Hunt Writeup

    great story!
  9. MoeFaux

    Beginning bear hunt

    I'm in a similar situation. Already booked a guide, but I'm going after my first bear and want to learn as much as possible. I've had a good time poking around the Bear Hunting Magazine website for pointers and inspiration.
  10. MoeFaux

    Spring Guided Hunt for One

    I'm doing the same. I just don't have anyone who shares the interest, so I found Freak Horn Guide Service on and started making plans! I don't think there's anything weird about flying solo. You do you! I may even wind up on a 2x1 with another outcast, depending on how the...
  11. MoeFaux

    Michigan Bear UP

    sorry the first trip was such a bust.
  12. MoeFaux

    Bear Calling?

    I'm trying a fawn distress call on an OR hunt this fall. The guys over at bear hunting magazine wrote about getting approximately 1 in 3 success rate for calling this way, so it sounds good enough to gamble on for me.