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  1. jcojocaru

    WTS The pay it forward / free gear thread

    I'm in the Seattle area. Specifically Kent, and I'll cover shipping. Will PM
  2. jcojocaru

    WTS The pay it forward / free gear thread

    I'll take if still available
  3. jcojocaru

    Sold Please sell me a bow - Mathews, Hoyt, Prime

    I get what you're saying but if you're careful, it can be perfectly fine buying used 3rd party. I was brand new to archery and being a cheap guy with little extra to spend, got my draw weight and length and over a year had constantly been looking and shopping packages everywhere. Ended up...
  4. jcojocaru

    WTS/WTT Sitka Jetstream Subalpine Large

    New, perfect condition. Worn lightly on a 2 day hunt Would like to trade for a Jetstream Mud Large Can sell $215 TYD
  5. jcojocaru

    WTS/WTT 6 Victory VAP TKO Elite V1 350 Spine 30-1/4" Length

    Want to sell or trade for 300 spine 29" or longer. Arrows are pretty much new, bought them from someone else supposedly unshot but shafts look to be in new/perfect condition. Original 3-fletch with orange Bohning Blazers, slight right offset or helical. SHOK TM Aluminum Inserts 34 GR Not...
  6. jcojocaru

    WTS The pay it forward / free gear thread

    I'll take it
  7. jcojocaru

    WTB Victory VAP TKO Elite 300 Spine

    Looking to buy some of these arrows. At least 29" carbon to carbon. Thanks!
  8. jcojocaru

    Sold Athens Vista 33 RH 60 LB. FULLY SETUP!!!

    Any change on the arrows?
  9. jcojocaru

    Sold Athens Vista 33 RH 60 LB. FULLY SETUP!!!

    Any What's the draw length of the bow? Actually considering it now for a practice bow
  10. jcojocaru

    Sold Athens Vista 33 RH 60 LB. FULLY SETUP!!!

    OK, but can you answer just so I would know if I should continue to follow? Thanks
  11. jcojocaru

    Sold Athens Vista 33 RH 60 LB. FULLY SETUP!!!

    What length are the arrows, how many, and would you sell separate?
  12. jcojocaru

    Sold Victory VAP TKO Xpert/Elite V1 Arrow Shafts 300 Spine (24 Count)

    Damn I would buy these if they were my length
  13. jcojocaru

    Sold Kudu Contour Plus

    How much for innovative outdoors guide included?
  14. jcojocaru

    Sold Iron will HIT inserts for 4mm arrows

    I've put a field point in and used a torch on it, have to be careful not to damage the carbon
  15. jcojocaru

    Sold Iron will HIT inserts for 4mm arrows

    Using the same method I mentioned? What if you try heating a little bit first? I had one very difficult one using the drill bit method but still got it out after a few minutes without heating
  16. jcojocaru

    Sold Iron will HIT inserts for 4mm arrows

    Idk your method but I have been able to get some very well glued inserts out by putting in a drill but with the flat side toward the insert, and swing the arrow to slam the bit into the insert.
  17. jcojocaru

    Sold Leupold RX-2800 TBR/W

    $350 Shipped
  18. jcojocaru

    Sold Leupold RX-2800 TBR/W

    In perfect condition, barely used and never dropped. Original battery is still full. Would take Leupold RX Fulldraw 5 trade Asking $350 shipped
  19. jcojocaru

    Leupold RX2800 TBRW $300 at Scheels

    Yeah I got mine new for $400 and thought it was a good deal lol wish I waited just a little longer