Search results

  1. TreeDux

    Coolers for travel. Wheels? No wheels?

    Our hunt went great, thanks, and I will absolutely endorse the wheeled coolers. Specifically, igloo makes aversion that is either 60 quart or 54 quart depending on the exact model. It meets the size requirements for standard check baggage with frontier, so it’ll probably be fine on the other...
  2. TreeDux

    Denver & Boulder voters to ban hunting of cats in 2024

    I’ll advocate for a healthy balance with predators and prey that are both managed sustainably. Partner that with a healthy ecosystem and you got a deal.
  3. TreeDux

    Denver & Boulder voters to ban hunting of cats in 2024

    California, Oregon, and Washington all have some great big game opportunities but they are a mere fraction of what they could be with just a little management and public support. Currently those states just aren’t realistic destinations for the average self guided big game hunter. I can easily...
  4. TreeDux

    Weird find in the woods

    Timber plot or research plot maybe. The circular nature makes it seem like a prism plot but I have never seen one marked like that. To be on the safe side I wouldn’t stand in it at midnight.
  5. TreeDux

    Frank Church Chocolate

    Nice bear.
  6. TreeDux

    NC Mountain Black Bear - Question

    That’s as good a way to start as any. I would give the nod to the rifle. It’s a low odds hunt anyway so put as many odds in your favor as you can. Just my opinion. As previously mentioned look for food. And look for sign. I think the wild card in the pisgah is going to be bear dogs. They tend to...
  7. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    That’s very helpful. I am considering those and had little choice but to assume that you would need to setup the tripod to get a range out of those 15s.
  8. TreeDux

    Idahoans do not like out-of-state hunters

    I’ve traveled a fair bit to hunt and fish, including Idaho. We hunted the Frank Church for several years and the residents were on horseback going miles beyond anything we hunted. They were always cordial when passing on the trail but there was one guide in there that puffed up on my buddy a...
  9. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    I agree with that. No need to double up too closely at comparable magnification ranges. I am considering the 2 pair option but will most likely try to roll with 12s and a separate rangefinder. Weight, costs, and my anticipated applications all play a part in that.
  10. TreeDux

    Ten point alpha-nock

    It is BS. They make a good xbow, why they can’t figure out the nock issues is beyond me. Mine isn’t even one of the ultra narrow models but it’s still under the broad threat of the voided warranty. That in itself doesn’t really worry me but I generally want to go along with what the...
  11. TreeDux

    Hello from California.

    Welcome to the forum!
  12. TreeDux

    $15,000 Reward for Missing Haul Road Hunter Steve Keel - OP updated to show locations

    It sounds like that would be very fair to say. It doesn’t even seem like there is full verification that it is even a person. A terrible situation all the way around. Hopefully someone can provide some answers and this family can get some closure.
  13. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    Thank you. That’s a solid start and I appreciate it. Good luck with the auodad hunt. I have not drawn one yet but NM has been good to me on the javelina tags.
  14. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    I regularly apply for auodad and bighorn sheep. Do you find 12s sufficient for that level of glasswork? And where’s a good place to start with a quality tripod? I have done a fair amount of western hunting, but the majority of it required very little glass work. For the reminder, I just made do...
  15. TreeDux

    Ten point alpha-nock

    Anybody else have any experience with these? I’ve run out of the Omni nock arrows that tenpoint originally said you HAD to shoot in their crossbow. Now it’s these things. I have not fired one yet, but it looks like I’m going to lose a nock on every single shot. Great crossbow but I might have...
  16. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    Thanks for the insight. I went and held some 15s in the store yesterday. You can’t tell much in the store but they certainly were not as unwieldy as I expected. Glassing would all be tripod work but it’s nice to know I can take a peak at something without setting up a tripod.
  17. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    Yes, that seems like a very solid combo. I’m even seeing where guys throw a spotter in to go with 2 sets of binoculars. It’s probably common but it’s also hard for me to fathom carrying all that. I will consider 12s and lower power rf binos.
  18. TreeDux

    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    Christmas 1996 my Momma gave me 1 dozen flambeau mallard decoys. 2 weeks later I was hunting the edge of Pamlico sound with some buddies. We had a borrowed Jon boat and every decoy we could get our hands on. Ultimately we set up a diver spread on a point and didn’t need my mallards. That bag was...
  19. TreeDux

    Big Binocular Options

    I’m in the market to drastically upgrade my glass. Binoculars with a tripod are the most appealing option at the moment. I’m primarily interested in the Meostar B1 in 12x50 or 15x56. Also looking at Geovid R 15x 56. First question is how effective are the 56s without a tripod? Are they too big...