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  1. T

    T & K Binocular Harness Giveaway

    I'll be going on my first ever Elk hunt this year! 1st Rifle in Colorado. Expectations for crowds and finding elk are in check. I am just excited for the experience and opportunity.
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    Giveaway!! Win Free Venture Pants from SKRE Gear

    Elk...even though I technically haven't hunted them yet:LOL:!
  3. T

    Kings Camo XKG Down Jacket - anyone have experience here?

    Where did you find it for that price?
  4. T

    First Lite 2024 Western Offerings

    Besides some of the visually obvious differences, why would someone select the 308 pant over the corrugate foundry pants?
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    State Estimated Elk Populations

    What do you mean by SWAG method?
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    State Estimated Elk Populations

    Oh for sure! I absolutely have been using the real license data from go hunt and state draw results. Pick Colorado for instance. There are obviously a lot of elk throughout the state. It's "simple" enough to determine hunter density for the different seasons by unit, but if you pick a unit based...
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    State Estimated Elk Populations

    I'm trying to do a deeper dive into all of the available statistics across all of the various online resources. Some questions for you experienced Elk hunters. How much stock do you put into the State's estimated elk pops and bull/cow ratios? How accurate do you feel these estimates are? I was...
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    A God Thing - Elk Hunting Lesson from a 56 year old self-taught DIY'er

    Sounds like I need to be friends with you! In all seriousness though, I couldn't agree more with your statement.
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    WTS/WTT Kifaru 44mag ranger green

    Is this bag only I assume?
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    Hoyt Nitrum 34 - Cam Upsize or Sell?

    Dang! I ended up selling it already to a guy who commented on one of my threads. Wish I would've held out a bit longer.
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    2021 - Who Got Their First Elk?

    Ditto! Hope it works out for you to go too!
  12. T

    WTS Prime Inline 5-70#

    Couple questions...Has the bow already been registered? Where are you located? I'm in southern MN and was wondering if by chance you happened to be anywhere within driving distance.
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    WTS Prime Inline 3

    What part of WI you from?
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    Please welcome Mike Moore(MTWarden) to the Rokstaff

    Really appreciated his review on the mid layers. Made my decision much easier when looking for that new top.
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    1st Elk Hunt - Colorado

    Valid points. I forgot to mention that immediately after the hunt, I will be heading up to MT for a mule deer hunt. I know a buck tag isn't a guarantee in MT, but just was trying to keep costs in check as well. I'd prefer if I could follow up next year's elk hunt with future years of heading out...
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    1st Elk Hunt - Colorado

    I imagine it will look something like this...
  17. T

    1st Elk Hunt - Colorado

    5 day 1st rifle season....In my post I just meant I wish I was going for archery, but am settling for rifle since that is the offering at hand with my buddy.
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    How long did you hunt before you went for an elk?

    Hoping everything works out and it will be next year. I'll be 36, but I've had the dream of doing so for probably 15 years now. Never thought it was a real option until I started watching Randy Newberg....I wish I could find someone to go archery elk hunting with, but I'll have to live with a...
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    1st Elk Hunt - Colorado

    I've been itching to get out Elk hunting for years, primarily had an interest in going for archery, and I finally am going to make it happen next year with a friend and his dad. I've been doing all kinds of research throughout the past year using Outdoor Class, Go Hunt insider, Treeline Academy...
  20. T

    Ultimate Backcountry Athlete Giveaway - $8000 worth of home gym and hunting gear

    Do you guys run something like this every year?