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  1. krob2299

    New Kuiu set-Haven

    probably not gonna be any better for burrs but its gotta be warm af. its basically super down pro wrapped in proximity
  2. krob2299

    Zip off base layers?

    Any good amount of walking in anything heavier weight than Wick, I'd have a heat stroke lol
  3. krob2299

    Kuiu VS Sitka for Nothern/Midwest Whitetails

    I've switched to a lot of Kuiu but there's some pieces from Sitka and First lite that I've substituted in for some of the layering system. Iowa resident here
  4. krob2299

    Boots for whitetails and elk?

    Crispi briksdal MTN. Excellent boot for anything
  5. krob2299

    Best Puffy?

    Why not jump to the pro? Or black ovis if you wanna save some cash, I've got the BO one and it's been phenomenal for what it costs