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  1. W

    Sold 2023 PSE Shootdown Pro, S2 65lb

    As the title states 2023 PSE shootdown pro. S2 Cam with HL mods. Bow maxes at 65lb. Brand new 60x custom strings in green and brown, never had a loop or peep in the string. Bow is pretty clean. Unregistered and I can send the info for you to do so. 950tyd
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    Torque insensitive bows

    Sure, it really comes down to the way the bow holds for me while maintaining decent speed with my hunting arrow, I’ve never had another bow aim as well as this one.(I’ve never had a true target bow). I’ve got this one set up the same way i set up all my hunting bows. The ez220 shim system is a...
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    Torque insensitive bows

    Yeah I have one. It’s a do all bow for me. By far my favorite out of all the bows I’ve had, which is quite a few lol
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    Torque insensitive bows

    Pse shootdown pro
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    Post up a picture your hunting bow!

    Gonna be my shootdown pro this year
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    Sold 1 week old Pse Fortis 30

    30.5” I believe
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    Sold 1 week old Pse Fortis 30

    I have a like new PSE fortis 30 for sale. Green, rh, 60lb max, ec2 cam. I impulsively bought this bow brand new from a shop on February 14th and can’t keep it as I’m wanting to set up a target bow. I shot 8 arrows through this bow and that’s it. Unregistered, like I said you’ll basically being...
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    The original victory rip is really dang good

    I’m planning on picking up victory rips for my next dozen. I’ve been using the vf tko but want to go to 5mm and something that comes with stainless inserts
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    Prana stretch Zion AT

    I might just order a pair and be the guinea pig
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    Prana stretch Zion AT’m looking for a pair of mid weight pants for everyday wear as well as spring and early fall hunting. I know the original zions are well liked on here, does anyone have experience with these stretch Zion ATstyle? They are described as a...
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    Post up a picture your hunting bow!

    I love that camo on a bow
  12. W

    Post up a picture your hunting bow!

    Levitate 2.0 EC2 black gold mountain lite and an epsilon. Haven’t hunted with it yet. Hunted with a phase 4 33 this past season.
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    What release are you hunting with 2023

    I’ve never used a tension release, but seems like it would be difficult for me to hunt with. I think I would pull too hard into the wall when an animal is in front of me
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    What release are you hunting with 2023

    I've never been a fan of any thumb buttons either until recently when I picked up a used nock 2 it. I have been really liking it and will probably hunt 2024 season with it and keep my carter rx1 as a back up.
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    Bowtech SR6 to a Prime inline 3

    My dad has an inline 1 that I really like. I never have, but would own a prime
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    Pack frame for saddle hunting

    I believe kifaru is coming out with a new white tail pack in the next month or so
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    QAD MX2 vs Hamskea Epsilon

    I’ve never had a qad, but I did use an HHA virtus which is very similar on 4 different bows. I had no problems with my cable driven drop away and enjoyed being able to lock it in position in the tree stand. On my v3x I got secondhand I went with the mathews epsilon. I put the provided felt on...
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    Care to share opinions on bear bows?

    Bear makes great bows for the money. I used to have one, but I’m a snob now and like the fancy flag ship bows