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    '24 Wyoming Range Mule Deer Update

    Wow that's pretty disappointing. Mother nature can sure be cruel.
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    Cougar attack in King County Washington.

    Denial ain't just a river!
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    The Best Money Can Buy

    I am 45 and was in great health so I thought. Got diagnosed with kidney cancer 10 months ago, im about as recovered as I'm gonna get physically. When I came home after the surgery I dialed up 2 deer hunts and mountain lion hunt. I don't need any more "stuff" so I opted for more hunting time and...
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    Who is dropping their standards?

    I'm a Michigan resident that travels to hunt because my home state gets boring. I ate tags for Montana, Michigan, Iowa and Illinois last season, doesn't bother me at all. I'm patient and will hold out til I find a critter that gets my blood pumping or ill leave empty handed. Fortunately for...
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    Best low light binoculars

    This spring i bought a meopta 8x50 optika, the rf model. The 8x50 has been much better at low light than the German 10x40s I own. The bigger the exit pupil the better for low light
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    Best low light binoculars

    This spring i bought a meopta 8x50 optika, the rf model. The 8x50 has been much better at low light than the German 10x40s I own. The bigger the exit pupil the better for low light
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    Why give your money to RMEF if your “out east” ?

    Indeed they have sir, plus a few other states
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    Need help finding a quality outfitter with a nice lodge

    X2 on tri state outfitters, great ground, great accommodations.
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    Crazy Used ATV Prices-Is This Regional or Everywhere?

    Michigan seems worse, prices even higher for half worn out dirty machines
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    Africa Safari Recommendation

    Nathan Askew, Bullet Safaris does both. Good man, good operation
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    Iowa rut

    I have a cabin in leota, we like to go to dinner in Cadillac, the timbers.
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    Iowa rut

    Armada, east of flint about 60 miles, how bout you
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    Iowa rut

    Same as in Michigan (Halloween to opening day), I'm a Michigan guy too, Iowa is a good time
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    Hunting for "mature" deer rather than antler size.

    Check out the videos section on this site, pretty good for tips on judging body size
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    Question on measuring by Volume?

    That can be a gamble too. I have 3 of them, 2 seem to be right on, and the 3rd is off by 10 grains. I always looked at it like archery, you don't have to do it perfect, you just have to do it the same every time. Check between a couple or maybe weigh a charge on a beam scale they are cheap. Then...
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    Aram Von Benedikt

    Thanks man, just for the record I only shot once, it ran 40 yards and crashed. I did follow the blood trail just for posterity, and It was only a 100 yard shot. I know it's like cheating to shoot them so close, but I kinda liked it!!!
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    Question on measuring by Volume?

    Go buy an old brass powder measure, set it and lock it down. Don't trust the tubes they aren't accurate
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    Iowa- Outfitter or DIY?

    If you go with a guide, I'd 2nd this outfit. Just got back from their Missouri camp, excellent operation. Nathan and his people will treat you right
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    Aram Von Benedikt

    In it for 2k, just to make it sound legit, I just killed my biggest buck to date and there was nobody around to muck it up. Happy Friday
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    Biggest Buck to Date

    THAT is what it's all about, a good time was had by all.