Search results

  1. Skyhigh

    Vortex viper vs razor series

    Having used both razors and vipers side by side a lot, I would say there isn't a whole lot of difference, for binoculars at least. I have used the 12x50 razors and the 15x50 vipers a bunch, and as far as glass quality I don't see much of a difference. Ergonomics are slightly better for the...
  2. Skyhigh

    Last Northeast Archery Whitetail before moving West

    Congrats! Good one to end on for the region.
  3. Skyhigh

    Plush vs. Foam Interiors (Bow Cases)

    My buddy has an older style plush case and he likes it a lot. I can't see why you'd have an issue with it. I can't speak for the new i series, but the company makes quality products so I doubt you'd have issues with it.
  4. Skyhigh

    Bowhunting partner on Kodiak

    Beendare, I sent you a pm! Sounds like it would be a really cool trip!
  5. Skyhigh

    Montana Stickers

    I think it can vary from region to region how common it is. If you were in the SE part of the state, I would say it is pretty uncommon to have one with stickers like that. That's a great buck! Congrats.
  6. Skyhigh

    Public land Nebraska buck.

    Deer aren't easy to come by out there! Congrats! That's one of the most unique whitetails I have seen out of that region on public.
  7. Skyhigh

    So, how was South Dakota.....

    In the Slim Buttes I saw more residents then before, I am guessing they hear "limited entry" and think they got something special when they draw the access permit. I think this may honestly equal more days afield for hunters in the area because residents can hunt it much more frequently. Last...
  8. Skyhigh

    I’m not much into politics, but man this burns my a**

    As far as building stores goes, they slowed way down during the last decade. They actually started building small "outpost" stores instead of the large stores, because the numbers made more sense. I disagree about Singer. Singer and the Cabela family are certainly not the same. Sure, the...
  9. Skyhigh

    Cheap coating over stainless?

    I think the one I found that was most comprehensive was on the waterfowl forum duckhuntingchat. The link to it is...
  10. Skyhigh

    Cheap coating over stainless?

    I'm unsure why you'd want to cover a stainless barrel, but an option for cheap would be to use spray paint. There are some good threads on other forums that show how to do it really well. It will scratch, but you can re apply every year or two. Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk
  11. Skyhigh

    2019 Western SD Public Whitetail Hunt - 2 bucks down!

    Thanks and I agree! If you aren't doing something outdoors every weekend it is because you decided not too.
  12. Skyhigh

    Hornady SST vs Interlock

    Shot a mature muley and a cow elk this year with 165 gr sst through my .30-06. Passed through the cow elk after hitting the shoulder. She made it about ten feet from where she was shot. Mule deer got double lunged and was alive for about 15 seconds. For me, they are pretty good bullets!
  13. Skyhigh

    2019 Western SD Public Whitetail Hunt - 2 bucks down!

    Shoot me a pm if you want, one more person in the area certainly won't ruin it! haha
  14. Skyhigh

    2019 Western SD Public Whitetail Hunt - 2 bucks down!

    The second deer for the post was supposed to be the one we hit with my pick up, but ask an ye shall receive! haha Wasn't much of a story with him. Saw him, started to stalk him, he got bumped by another hunter (that was walking down the middle of the valley all the deer were in), I...
  15. Skyhigh

    2019 Western SD Public Whitetail Hunt - 2 bucks down!

    This season my girlfriend was fortunate enough to draw a whitetail rifle tag again here in SD. This past weekend we went out and hunted for one after I was able to harvest a mule deer. The hunt was pretty interesting, and I think someone my gain value from it, so I figured I would write up the...
  16. Skyhigh

    Laptop for video and photo editing

    I don't have a ton of experience with computers, however I have built a desktop before, and have a basic working knowledge of what may work best for you. You'd likely be better finding a system that meets a couple of criteria than a specific model. I would recommend a system with at least a 1tb...
  17. Skyhigh

    Hydrophobic hiking pants recommendations

    For morning dew in knee high (or less) vegetation I would recommend getting gaiters. Unless wearing a truly waterproof layer you are going to get wet no matter what while walking through vegetation that is wet. If you don't mind getting wet the prana stretch zions are nice and they dry pretty...
  18. Skyhigh

    December Mule Deer Hunts (Arizona vs Nebraska)

    If you are planning on hunting public land I would say AZ just because of the quantity of lands available. After rifle season deer are difficult to come by in NE. With that said, if you are willing to walk a lot you should be able to find a deer in NE on public, although you may come across more...
  19. Skyhigh

    This is why our Deer numbers are down!

    Uncontrolled predators can obviously be an issue, but why does no one want to talk about habitat degradation by urban sprawl, oil, and added pressure from winter activities (hiking, snowmobiling, shed hunting, etc)? Obviously the last one is being controlled to some degree (shed hunting bans)...