For indoor dryfire practice how do you get both reticle and "target" in focus? I've been messing with it and can't seem to get it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I would take the fact that the owner of a company is on a internet forum on a Sunday afternoon giving replies to clarify and telling people to email him so he can look into things is a decent sign the company cares for their customer base.
The Phelps Red AMP call. It was like they made it for me. I loved it.After they stopped making it and before Meateater bought them they "custom" made me a few but now I'm left to find a new call.
Me and my buddy that cut our teeth together figuring out the whole Elk hunting thing finally doubled up. Long day on the mountain and lots of fun. I shot the rag.
Second critter since switching to a creedmore this year. First one was a head shot. can't really tell lethality when a .22lr would do the trick. Second animal was impressive. Large muledeer doe at 395 yards. Impact velocity 2132fps. 140 eldm.
Entrance (shoulder removed and blood shot...
Clarification noted.
I had the original LH on a light .300wby mag. After maybe 50ish rnds it was shooting shotgun sized groups. Sent it in and was told it was "broken". Suprise suprise. They sent me the LHT 3-15. I honestly really liked the scope. The issues were almost all in zero retention...
MT general buck. Ended up shooting him in his bed when i couldn't get him to stand. Turns out someone had shot him and broke his front leg. Also my Uncle got his first Muley buck the same morning.