Never done the morning night thing but I like it.
Been with a few different folks and we have always just rotated days and it’s worked pretty well.
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Burnt PP’s last year on a gen tag. In this year for 0 PP’s. Also put in for a permit with bonus points.
Hoping I am celebrating a montana or NM tag in next few weeks
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That’s my option this year after drawing a combo last year. If I draw my general tag I’ll have good shot to draw my elk permit with bonus points.
1 point is really no man’s land right now
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I went Kimber Hunter in .308 with no regrets. Stock isn’t as solid as Montana but that’s my only gripe.
Changed out a few parts on it and it shoots real well once I figured out how my form had to change with a light rifle.
Bothers me I don’t use it more with how much I like it
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