I like victory VAP SS. Super tough arrows, straightness is really good, and that stainless steel honeycomb interior gives good weight. Paired with a 50 to 75 grain stainless or steel outsert and a 125 grain broadhead should land you close to 15% FOC and be right at 485 to 505 grains total weight...
I'd say keep the 20 and go 20, 35, 50 with the 50 for a slider. I've got a 2 pin vertical sight set up on a dual slider for next year 20 and 35 it's a pretty good set up. And it's pretty impressive to see that dual slider line up at longer yardages it comes out nice and clean with my particular...
Go west young man! MT, WY, Easter CO. Plenty of open space decent deer numbers and there's even a few big ones. Do your research scout it lace em up and you can hike till you drop if you so desire. They all offer rifle seasons during the rut. The list goes on and on.
Lol I was just thinking about these things. A buddy and I used em on an average mule deer buck as a gag at work because we had some guys we knew that bragged and long armed some small deer big time. It was fun but completely ridiculous.
Probably -20 or so and there wasn't a whole lot of restful sleep just dozing between feeding the woodstove. Even with a great bag, wall tent, and the stove roaring it was darn cold.
Umm yeah no if your gonna hunt with a smaller caliber you had definitely better use a good expanding hunting style bullet . Why take one of the most difficult hunts and toughest animals and handcuff yourself with inadequate equipment that you have complete control over. Hell even the...
Black gold also has an inline 2 pin sight now that's pretty solid as well. I still like the CBE because it's weighs less and seems a bit thinner on the stack not much though.
Yeah he was by far the biggest bodies bull I've taken. I guided for a long time and he was up there for the biggest I've ever been involved in. There were 3 that scored higher but he was a stud.