223 or 6mm, suppressed.
Read the 223 for elk, bear thread. Seriously. Read the whole thing with an open mind
6mm is legal for elk in Oregon.
How proficient are they now shooting from field positions with any rifle? High recoil/larger cartridges aren’t going to make up for bad shots.
Photo above is a full boned out Muley plus camp. I’ve seen these packs cheap at the used gear shop, I got lucky and my neighbor gave me a couple. People don’t know how good they are. 26” alum stays, 6k+ bag and it weighs 4.5#. I gave one to a hunting partner and keep one as a loaner. I do mod...
Depends on what you consider old school. Still use a bikini frame with a DT1. Still using a frost fire II. Wondering how many know what that is. Mountainsmith before Patrick started kifaru.
See if you can borrow a Magnetospeed or a garmin to check.
Years back I bought a prochrono to verify my shooting chrono. They didn’t read the same. Light chronos are a PITA. I don’t trust either of them.
If you are running faster than book max velocity (adjusted for barrel length), you...
I’ll say it again since it was obviously missed.
Headspace is easy to check with scotch tape. Will remove all doubt and you will know where you are.
Not complicated.
Hornady lists 3050 as max pressure and personally I like to run below max, so I’d pick the lower charge.
You could compare group size and SDs again and it could go the other way, small sample sizes. Not enough data to say which is actually better. But one of the loads is likely at/above SAAMI...
zero at 100 verify/true at distance , 600 or whatever. This is fine out to well past 600. No need to shoot every 100 and build dope.
Folks that have meaningful midrange trajectory errors are either putting bad info into their ballistics program, or they are not shooting enough rounds to get a...
Depends on your definition of group - how many shots?
My 13 yo shot these at 100yd
5 shot group (to verify zero after I rough zerod it with the first 5 out of the new rifle)
10 shot group to verify zero after burning 200 rounds to settle the barrel
Your socket comparator seems suspect to me, but easy to check your work….
Add scotch tape to the bottom of the case head until you feel resistance on bolt close. 1 layer of scotch tape is ~ 0.002”. Easy enough to verify your headspace measurement.
FL size vs Partial FL sizing is silly. It’s...
Right on, awesome you are considering reduced recoil. Book min loads or reduced loads with H4895.
You can also add a silencer to help even more. But she will shoot a .223 even better.
IMO there isn’t any need to creep up with charge weight increments looking for pressure signs. Velocity is pressure, just load to the velocity you want. (Assuming you are using the same components as the book load and adjusting for barrel length differences if any) Once you get a baseline...
I think you are wasting your time.
Would be fun to see the results - pick a random middle of the road charge weight out of the book and shoot a 20 round group. Then do whatever ladder method with the same components and shoot a 20 round group with whatever you come up with as the best. Likely...
Book data is reference data, developed for that specific rifle. Max book loads list charge weight and velocity.
You have a better estimate of pressure looking at book velocity than book charge weights.
last load dev was picking middle of the book charge weight and shooting 10 for velocity. Looked in the book to see velocity change per gr of powder in the reference rifle. Then just added the powder I estimated needed to get the velocity I wanted to shoot at.
Shot 10 for velocity and was...
I’ve got both, I prefer the 3-9 for your use. That said my kids element 6cm has the maven, but that’s mostly due to familiarity- she uses the maven for NRL22 as well. Both are great, but the 10 mil/rev turret is especially nice for 22lr - not a big deal on a 600yd hunting rifle.
For the lee measure, Titan reloading has a baffle. Mitigates the variance due to powder level in the hopper.
I don’t expect it will ever actually come up, getting asked to show my documents.
I do think it may vary state by state. Not a lawyer, but in Oregon it’s an “affirmative defense” deal. So against state law unless you can show proof you have it registered.
A peace officer may not arrest...