Search results

  1. M

    Leica Geovid Pro Technical Resource

    Thank you. I am totally fine using the app and Bluetooth to upload data because it will be entered before going to the field.
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    Leica Geovid Pro Technical Resource

    I am hoping to purchase these to combine binoculars and RF without having to use my phone as well. Can you not enter the Applied Ballistics information into the binoculars itself, or app the first time for setup, and then range leaving the built-in computer to push out the data on the glass of...
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    Just Announced - Leica Geovid Pro 8x32 & 10x32

    Here is a new review that was dropped today:
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    In-Ear Hearing Protection

    I just purchased this last week and tested it this last weekend at the range which worked great: I did change the ear tips to Comply tips though for added comfort as I run Complys on about any earbud I wear. They are the most natural-sounding ear...
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    **UPDATED 04/21 A WIN!! ** California bear hunters need your help once again!

    Done. Thank you for looking out.
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    AG Composite vs McMillan

    I dont know how it compares but AG will add texture for you as well.
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    AG Composite vs McMillan

    They have great customer service. I called to place an order but realized it was afterhours, and didn't leave a message because I would just call the next day. Pam calls me first thing in the morning because my number had called them. What company has that service anymore? I can speak for...
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    Money advice for a 19 year old

    My opinions on Dave Ramsey are that he is great for foundational fundamentals, but once you get your current finances in order then you can venture out to be riskier. Having a budget is critical. Without knowing where your money is going and how to spend or allocate it, you won't have any extra...
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    Scope magnification & 1st FP vs 2nd FP for lightweight build

    I just purchased this which seems to be in a similar price range with the LHT. 3-18, FFP, and 24.4oz.
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    UTV accessories

    If riding with another utv I really appreciate our Rugged Radio comms. Even having the intercom for my kids in the back works well. I can't not have them anymore.
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    One Action, Two Barrels?

    I think that most any actions you can purchase a prefit barrel for would work. Just purchase an action wrench and barrel vise and you will be good. For example, buy a Defiance action, and two prefit barrels for the action, and you should be good to go. As you mentioned you may need another...
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    Will Vehicle Prices Ever Decrease?

    I don't believe new vehicle prices will go down as the cost of parts and labor is only rising, and most accept it as the new norm. Once the next bubble pops hopefully the value of used vehicles will drop some but not fully. I was fortunate to purchase my new truck thousands below MSRP as the...
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    How’s your fuel prices

    Went to Costco to fill up today at $4.98 but they ran out of diesel.
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    How’s your fuel prices

    I saw a Chevron today went just north of $6 for diesel. Insanity.
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    What is your every day carry knife and why? Does nostalgia supersede function?

    The Benchmade Bugout because of how well is carries as it is so thin and light without feeling too cheap. After changing the scales to something like micarta it takes away it's plastic feel.
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    Walkie Talkie Suggestions Please!

    On topic: we use those Beofang's but with the 8watt radio. I purchased a GMRS license and plan on getting the ham license to legally use VHF. If using them make sure to look at what frequencies are licensed so you don't overstep (i.e. emergency frequencies) Off topic: our church has moved to...
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    How’s your fuel prices

    I purchase at Costco and paid $4.65 this morning for diesel. I am in Central CA.
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    Others have covered it but I'll tell my experience as well. First, I had a meeting with the doctor to eval if it was something we really wanted about the week or two before. He explained the potential risks and would prescribe Valium if I was nervous to take the edge off. On the day of, I...
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    Lightweight Remington 700 Stock

    AG Privateer or Proof has a lightweight stock as well.
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    Diesel vs gas. Which one is better?

    This is the reason I went with the 6.7L diesel over the 7.3L gas on my Ford. The 7.3 can tow as much but with less grunt and less mileage. Once I get the S&B 60 gallon tank to replace my 34 gallon tank, I should be able to hit about 1000 miles per tank pretty easily when not towing. This comes...