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  1. Stid2677

    What are the issues with the Kimber hunters?

    I would think that the impact from the recoil that is damaging the tips is causing the bullets to be driven deeper into the case decreasing COAL, this more than likely is the cause of your poor groups, rather than damaged tips. This would be something that could be measured, load and shoot...
  2. Stid2677

    Hunting Rifles With Threaded Barrels?

    Luke has a Barrett Field Craft in 6.5 CM for sale, it is a shooter. I have shot it with the Omega installed, so I know this is a good setup. The Kimbers use a threaded barrel that is 7/16 x 28 so you will need an adapter that I could only find from Kimber. The Tikka CTR comes threaded and is in...
  3. Stid2677

    Christensen Arms

    What I'm trying to communicate to you is that bullets that are known to do best jammed into the lands, will often have a 2nd accuracy node seated much deeper. Often as accurate with the advantage of being able to be loaded from the magazine,,, drawback is seated deeper means less case capacity.
  4. Stid2677

    Christensen Arms

    Try this method,, I have been able find a node seated deeper with bullets of this design. Getting the Best Precision and Accuracy from VLD Bullets in Your Rifle | Berger Bullets Blog
  5. Stid2677

    Which 30 Cal Magnum for the new Berger 245grs?

    Why not The 300 PRC Hornaday is releasing? YouTube
  6. Stid2677

    So you got your ram, now it is time to eat...

    Indeed, and I bet he don't have the balls to make that again. :) :) :)
  7. Stid2677

    Help! Seam Seal question

    In the 50s seems on the cold side for curing, I would hang it in the garage and let a fan run on it. Could maybe use some baby powder to keep it from sticking if you just had to pack it still sticky.
  8. Stid2677

    Nu-Way propane stoves? (Tent Stove)

    I placed it as high as I could, but did not want it too hot up near the tent fabric.
  9. Stid2677

    Nu-Way propane stoves? (Tent Stove)

    I forgot to mention that I installed a dampener at the top of the first section of stove pipe, I run it almost closed and this still lets the fumes pass but still catch allot of heat that would otherwise exit out the stove pipe.
  10. Stid2677

    Spartan Precision/Javelins/Sentinels... What we've been up to....

    I used a Javelin on my sheep rig this year, nice and solid.
  11. Stid2677

    Nu-Way propane stoves? (Tent Stove)

    As low as it will run, when sleeping.
  12. Stid2677

    Nu-Way propane stoves? (Tent Stove)

    I have used a Nu Way stove for over ten years, for spring bear and fall moose hunts. I pack a 20lb carbon fiber propane tank and have the single burner Nu Way. I have never ran out and I run it all night most nights. I can see the propane in the tank so it is easy to monitor fuel level. I use it...
  13. Stid2677

    Staying warm while glassing ridgelines during Oct-Nov

    I use Thermacare heat wraps "the large ones for backs", they last 12 to 16 hours. I also keep one in my bag on cold nights. For glassing I keep one over my stomach, this keeps my core warm and allows me to warm my hands too. These and a piece of Z mat to keep me insulated and dry from ground...
  14. Stid2677

    Vehicle holster

    Magnet, hidden under dash. I use these, one near the bed and the other in the truck. : Magnetic Gun Mount (2 PACK) - Gun Magnet Holder, Wall Mounted Gun Rack for Concealed Car Storage, Bedside, Desk Gun Holster| Pistol Revolver Shotgun Rifle Safe Accessories| 43lbs Rated Gun Magnets...
  15. Stid2677

    Found bear claw

    Sent ya 5 in the mail today. From a Blackie killed by a Grizzly, look forward to seeing what you make.
  16. Stid2677

    suggestions on grilling very lean steaks

    What he said,,,,, But if you must, Lean cuts Hot and fast,, or low and slow. I have had bison steaks I would Sear them with the hottest means I had and cook to no more than rare. Lean meat really get shoe leather tough when cooked more than med rare.
  17. Stid2677

    Reloading for long range?

    Factory ammo is made to fire in ALL guns of the same caliber,, what this means is cases that have the shoulder shoved back to fit into any SAMMI spec chamber, same with seating, all factory ammo is seated deep enough to fit magazines and not hit the lands. IMHO and experience, the high BC...
  18. Stid2677

    Mountain Goat Meat

    One thing I forgot, I use a Sous Vide machine to cook meats. I was able to get goat steaks fork tender using it, any meat for that matter. Sous Vide is just a fancy water heater, the food is vacuum sealed and cooked in this heated water for a set time and temp. Awesome way to cook lots of foods.
  19. Stid2677

    Reloading for long range?

    I will warn you now,, step away from the Black Hole.... I have watched close to 15K swirl down into the void, chasing steel plates. :) Lots of fun though.....
  20. Stid2677

    Reloading for long range?

    Not sure where you live, but when I got started I was helped by a very knowledgeable reloader that mentored me and showed me start to finish and what he used. That really helped me with the learning curve and saved money too by not needing to rebuy things that may not work well together. The...