Just a PSA, be cautious when heating anything galvanized. The zinc fumes can be dangerous..... I use an old coleman camp stove and a chopped off steel drum. Slow simmer is plenty and helps keep from splitting bone. I know many need a fast way because of CWD issues, but IMHO maceration gives a...
The first year I lived in Alaska my Army buddy hired Pristine Adventures hunt planner, which is owned by Larry Bartlett. He provided all the info and secured the transportation into the field. This was worth every cent, he has relationships with air taxis that he uses every year and often these...
Yea, mine is the single burner 2000. Single digits is as cold as I have camped with it. I have run it on low all night for 10 to 14 day moose hunts and still had propane left with a standard BBQ size bottle.
Just a thought, there is a new for next year nonresident opportunity to draw a Caribou hunt off the Denali Hwy DC475. There will be 50 tags issued for Bull Caribou. This area can be reached by flying in commercial air to Anchorage and driving the Denali Hwy. I have hunted this tag and there is...
The mountain game is all about legs and cardio. Squats until you puke, walking lunges with weight. Lots of hiking in the boots you will hunt in. Never seen anyone quit because they could not climb, but seen many throw in the towel because their feet were trashed.
Make sure your feet are staying on an insulated pad, if your bag is too small and your feet are staying in contact with the bag the cold will transfer. I wear a pair of fleece socks for sleeping only, not too tight to restrict blood flow and for sleeping only. Theracare lower back heat wraps,, I...
I've used Zack for sheep the last two years. I'm a Super Cub pilot myself, and I can say, that he is without question one of the most skilled cub drivers I have ever seen. I was quoted 14K for one year of insurance for me in a cub. Insurance is almost impossible to get for off airport operations...
I know this might be strange in today's times, but I enjoy some conversation. Nice to just chat, maybe brainstorm about hunting strategy. I have very much enjoyed just getting to know more about my friends. Seams that people don't really have deep conversations that much these days. Most days we...
I have been using floorless shelters for about 10 years now. The Kifaru Sawtooth being my favorite. I like how fast I can set it up or take it down, tons of room, can wear my boots inside, flesh capes inside, enjoy the stove, stand to get dressed,, etc..... Bugs have not really been an issue, I...
The 6.5 was conceived to make the most of long ogive, high BC bullets. Seems that flat shooting, accurate and low recoil work well for killing critters too.
I have mailed cape and horns to him before, but also drove stuff down when fishing or got someone heading to or from to do it. Love Valdez and make a trip or two most years. Worth the drive, Dave does amazing work.
Got my ram back from this trip. Chris and my taxidermist surprised me with a image lasered into the leather. So pleased with the way it turned out. Frontier Taxidermy also mounted Chris's ram.