About 1.5 with supers and subs, which I’m not shooting beyond 100yds.
Shot this with 110gr CX at 71 yds using the thermal.
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It’s been fine. I’ve shot the 190 gr Maker Rex bullets for deer, and it’s done what I needed it to do. That’s a nasty bullet that does some damage.
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I thought about that option too since I have a ton of 223/5.56 stuff already. 4000+ fps from the 204 has my interest though, and I’ll probably change my mind 6 times anyway.
What’s the opinion on Preferred Barrels? Lots of options to choose from with their custom barrels.
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I spent 20 years shooting semi auto stuff in the Corps. Then I didn’t touch guns for 10 years and focused only on Bowhunting which I had done since I was a teenager. Last fall about this time I picked up a bolt gun. A ruger American 300 blackout to shoot suppressed at night on a kill permit. It...
Call Hornady. They’ll help you get the rights size.
Measure neck wall thickness multiply that by 2, add the bullet diameter. That is your finished diameter without neck tension accounted for. Now, subtract whatever diameter neck bushing you want to use to determine your neck bushing. If you...
I don’t think it’s worth the hassle. But what do I know. I bump 002” and call it good. I think the extra step of taking the bolt apart is simply for verification, but it’s somewhat subjective and depends on the friction you have in your action.
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So far, all of the brass chambers well. I checked every piece I reloaded before noticing the crack, and they all chamber no differently than any other piece I’ve resized. It probably won’t be until December or January before I receive the custom die, but I’m interested to see the dimensional...
I ended up ordering a custom die- will take about 16 weeks they said. I use a SAC Nexus press. The cam over is from the pucks and not the shell holder, so im thinking it could be as you mentioned - a tempering problem.
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I called them today- they’re replacing it. I also ordered a custom die. Will be interesting to see the effects of a custom die.
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Yeah, Hornady die.
I’ll call them in the morning.
I checked every piece I just realized, and it all chambers just the same as rounds I reloaded a few hundred ago.
Maybe I can talk them in to a custom die…. Thanks for the heads up on that.
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I had that situation once. It was my fault- when seating the forward ring on the rail, somehow or another I clamped it down cockeyed.
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Years ago I used to run the north bank trail and buttermilk loop. Have ran through and around that cemetery many times. It’s always been so full of deer, and there are so many people in that area year-round. It’s astonishing to think he did this without anyone seeing him. And this couldn’t have...
Someone needs to tell the Marine Corps that clean rifles are unnecessary. I remember 30+ years ago getting worn out on the quarterdeck for what I thought was a clean rifle, but apparently wasn’t.
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