Search results

  1. CoHunter1991

    Colorado draw results

    a tag i picked up in the leftover pile last year i couldnt draw second choice this year.... lovely
  2. CoHunter1991

    While we wait…CO draw dreams

    Tag went to leftover last year i just was unsuccessful drawing with my second choice. bummer
  3. CoHunter1991

    Kansas draw results

    Lovely haha
  4. CoHunter1991

    Colorado G12 2nd season

    Hey everyone, I drew a goat tag in G12 and was wondering if anyone would be able to give some pointers and some incite on hunting that unit for goats. My season is in early September. Thanks for the help.
  5. CoHunter1991

    Colorado Sheep and Goat draw tomorrow.... lets take some bets

    Hey everyone, I drew a goat tag in G12 and was wondering if anyone would be able to give some pointers and some incite on hunting that unit for goats. My season is in early September. Thanks for the help.
  6. CoHunter1991

    Colorado sheep and goat credit card hits?

    oh ok. I guess its just a game of waiting on the email to confirm now.
  7. CoHunter1991

    Colorado sheep and goat credit card hits?

    How do you know the 50 was for goat and not sheep?
  8. CoHunter1991

    Colorado sheep and goat credit card hits?

    Just got a CC hit. Any idea if they are posting goat or sheep first?