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  1. Jimbob

    The Four Schools of Bow Tuning

    Nice. My favoutirtes "You're susceptible to Ranch Fairy." "You'd buy Nock-On brand condoms (or tampons) if they made them, but only in neon green." "Responds to every archery question with a list of questions (what draw weight, what speed, what did you eat that morning, what phase was the moon...
  2. Jimbob

    Must read; The Land: How Cowboys, Capitalism, and Corruption are Ruining the American West

    I haven't read the book but is the author a proponent of communism? If not then your argument doesn't hold much water. Just because A is worse than B does not make B good. Is capitalism "hard" on the environment? When answering that question the word communism should never come up. Now if...
  3. Jimbob

    What Kind of Stories Would You Like Me To Share About African Hunting or Traditions?

    Any DIY hunting? Backpack-style hunts? Anything that is not the "normal" African-style hunting.
  4. Jimbob

    DIY Hike in AK Sheep

    Last year my son shot his ram opening day (August 1st) and three hours later we bumped into other hunters, I feel like they would have killed that ram if we hadn't. Felt like we won the race to the legal ram. However, I went to a very popular sheep hunting place on August 7th and it was empty...
  5. Jimbob

    looking for a vest to replace my vest.

    I would like to add a synthetic vest to my clothing as well. My puffy jacket goes on when I am stationary so down is perfect. But the vest will be worn under my softshell to boost insulation when it gets colder, I will be active when using it this way so I think synthetic is the way to go...
  6. Jimbob

    Where should top pin be?

    Is the bottom pin going to be your floater? If so set that one first. I put my housing as low as it can go then I set my bottom pin down near the bubble but not too close. Basically I set my sight up as a single pin using the bottom pin. After everything is done I turn the dial to 50 and set my...
  7. Jimbob

    Don’t forget to nock an arrow

    Not exactly the same, but you shoot long enough and something is bound to go wrong eventually.
  8. Jimbob

    Don’t forget to nock an arrow

    I ALWAYS watch my rest pick up my arrow as I draw, its part of my sequence to ensure the arrow is there and on the rest. EXCEPT for the one time I didn't. I was in a rush trying to tune a bow and yup no arrow knocked. The string snapped but everything else was just fine.
  9. Jimbob

    DIY Hike in AK Sheep

    I'm not in Alaska but I'll share my experience from BC. It is amazing that in all of the vast wilderness we have that no matter what you still run into other hunters. Guys fly into a lake someone is there. You got horses and ride in you still find other hunters You hire a guide and fly in or...
  10. Jimbob

    Archery Club ideas

    All great ideas. I like the idea of a bow press/work area.
  11. Jimbob

    Archery Club ideas

    I am a new president at my local archery club and I'm looking for ideas from you guys. What does your club do or what do you wish your club would do? Any ideas to generate revenue? Ideas to get business' involved? What we have: Great practice range that extends to 100+ yds. Clubhouse with...
  12. Jimbob

    Synthetic Glassing Puffy

    I have the Black Diamond Belay jacket. I love it as it fits perfectly, is VERY warm, and was cheap. However, it is big bulky and heavy. I am planning on bringing it hunting when I do a winter goat hunt.
  13. Jimbob

    Determining hunting arrow cut length

    Mine come into the riser. I cut my arrows to get the right spine not really worried about where they end up.
  14. Jimbob

    Arrows/BH for moose?

    With that set-up, I would choose the following Easton Axis 340 at 27.25" (carbon to carbon) 50-grain brass insert 125-grain head. Total arrow weight - 460 grains and that should match your bow perfectly, give you good weight, good speed, and good FOC (16%) The Axis 300 with 75 grains would...
  15. Jimbob

    Arrows/BH for moose?

    If your lucky you have a good shop to go to and they will help you out. Also, go over to the archery section of Rokslide and start reading up, so much to learn. As well, youtube will be your friend, look up Nock on archery on youtube and you will learn everything you need to about tuning and...
  16. Jimbob

    Arrows/BH for moose?

    Having your arrow tuned to your bow is the most important part, don't overlook the right spine for your set-up. My dad has shot 4 moose with a 60 lb bow 29" draw and a 415 grain arrow with a two blade magnus with bleeder blades. Most importantly though is that those arrows flew perfectly from...
  17. Jimbob

    The Case Against Hunter Recruitment

    I think blood is thicker than water with Steve and his brothers because it is interesting to see Matt involved with meateater even though he doesn't agree with what they are doing. Maybe that will change in the future or maybe not. My guess is that Matt would not have much to do with meateater...
  18. Jimbob

    Mountain Hunting Regrets

    I hear that. I moved to BC at 34 and think to myself what did I miss out on by not moving here sooner. Thankfully when I got here I hit the ground running and got in the mountains right away so I did get at it before 40 but I wonder what it would have been like in my 20's.
  19. Jimbob

    The Case Against Hunter Recruitment

    Matt and Steve don't see eye to eye on this. Steve is Meateater Matt is not. "Meateater" is just willing to post an article showing the other side of the debate. I can see you dumping on meateater for commercializing hunting but they are all about promoting hunting. Steve has said that Matt...
  20. Jimbob

    Kids pants

    Yup, great pants. My son wore his for three years, letting the hems out as he grew. These pants will be passed down to his sister now and they are in great shape. The pants are a little warmer for hot weather hiking though. Also, they are no longer on Sitka's website so I think they stopped...