Search results

  1. nphunter

    15X Bino for the Range

    They are great for steel, I prefer a spotter even a cheap one works well for punching paper over a pair of binos.
  2. nphunter

    Image stabilizing binos vs Alpha Glass?

    I looked through a couple sets at the store, 16x and the 20x. I was able to read price tags across the store which was cool but the edge clarity was horrible and I felt like I was looking through a telescope with the horrible FOV. Another weird thing was when you have them in target mode you...
  3. nphunter

    Binos instead of Spotting scope

    A pair of binos can’t replace a good spotter. Big binos are useful but the only time they replace a spotter for me is while shed hunting. If I’m hunting all in think cover I’ll either only run my 10’s on my chest or just use my range finder to glass. If I’m hunting in the back country for elk...
  4. nphunter

    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    They are covered according to their terms and condition it excludes firearms or firearm kits. They have a list of items that are not insured. Curious who you recommend using? PayPal shipping has saved me way more money over the years than I’ll ever lose out on an insured item. I was just...
  5. nphunter

    UPS $124.07 to ship Mark 4HD back to Leupold for Warranty

    The whole business plan of those places is to take huge advantage of people who don't want to take the time to package and ship themselves. I took a pair of Nikes in that needed returned, forgot to print my own label so I stopped in and they wanted $40, I laughed, drove home and printed my own...
  6. nphunter

    Sold Swarovski NL Pure 14x52 new

    LOL, such great bino's though. If I didn't already buy a set I'd be all over them!
  7. nphunter

    Sold Swarovski NL Pure 14x52 new

    Maybe you should just get a nose job and keep them!
  8. nphunter

    Upgrading from Vortex to Swaro - Why?

    You’re making me want to spend more money. I’ve all but decided on a set of 8.5x42EL’s but you’re making those NL8’s tempting. I just picked up some 14’s and currently use Razor 10’s which are great everywhere except the depth of field.
  9. nphunter

    Which Muzzleloader to Buy?

    Knight UL in 50 Cal will cover you in every state just by changing the breach plug and bullet. The 45 cal is awesome if you don't plan on hunting elk with it in several states. I'm in OR so I need loose power, caps and open sights. With my Knight 45 shooting loose 777, #11's, full to bore...
  10. nphunter

    To spotting scope or love life?

    I could never give up a spotter altogether because I use it too much. I did sell my ATC and my Meostar 15's to buy some NL14's though. I'm running some Razor 10's, NL14's and Meopta S2. I cannot due without a big spotter because I'm after big animals and hunt big country, I need to know what...
  11. nphunter

    Vortex Razor UHD 18x56 binos or Sig zulu6 HDX 16x42s

    They just showed up today. Excited to use them, I loved my 15 Meostars and these are way better!
  12. nphunter

    Vortex Razor UHD 18x56 binos or Sig zulu6 HDX 16x42s

    No, the Zeiss, Swaro and Meoptas are all very good 15’s each has a slightly different color tone. A lot of people have sold them all and purchased the 18 Razor UHD for the extra mag and comparable glass. I’ve never used the 18’s but people who have hold them in high regard, there really isn’t...
  13. nphunter

    Vortex Razor UHD 18x56 binos or Sig zulu6 HDX 16x42s

    If your plan for them is putting them in a tripod and spending a lot of time picking stuff apart then I’d go with the 18’s. The image quality of the sigs isn’t going to be comparable to the Razors if they are both mounted in a tripod. If your always moving and don’t plan on long glassing...
  14. nphunter

    Swarovski 14x52 NLs vs 12x42 NLs

    I went with 14’s. My hunting partner has 12’s and there have been several times that my Meostar 15’s outperformed the NL’s. The 3x just added enough more zoom it was helpful, essentially we were able to see a branch bull with the NL’s and could tell how big he was with the 15’s. There have...
  15. nphunter

    New arrow setup looking for opinions

    Shooting evolution Hyde glue in heads currently. Have killed elk with them, Dead Meat and Trypans and would recommend any of the three.
  16. nphunter

    New arrow setup looking for opinions

    It’s up to you, i would sell them and go with a lighter arrow if it were me. I like 280fps or slightly more, 440gr has been plenty for me even with a 27.5” draw shooting mechanicals at elk.
  17. nphunter

    Build my Mule Deer Arrow

    This setup will hit all of your criteria and it worked awesome on elk! I bought the pro comps used. They are 27.5” long, 440gr with 150gr Glue in Hydes and fly 290fps from my 27.6” draw. OP, I would go with a 300 Pro Comp / Parallel pro, 28.5” long, glue in Hyde and Easy Vanes from Aus. You...
  18. nphunter

    Summer time blacktail info wanted.

    I’m curious what black tails do in the summer? Do bucks go high like mule deer where it’s cooler, will they bed in more open country with velvet on? I’ll be hunting blacktail starting Aug 1st this year and have never hunted them before but have a lot of experience with mule deer. The area had...
  19. nphunter

    Image stabilizing binos vs Alpha Glass?

    I have Razor 10’s I carry in my chest and use on a tripod. I also just sold my 15 Meostars and bought NL14’s, I’ll also pack a S2 spotter for big country. I’ve never felt handicapped with the Razors while glassing while handholding but I’ve also never used zulus so maybe I don’t know what I’ve...
  20. nphunter

    Image stabilizing binos vs Alpha Glass?

    With all of the reviews on image-stabilizing binos I've never seen anyone compare them to high-end binos. I'm curious about people who have used boths thoughts on how they compare, to me I don't see how they could be comparable at all to something like a Meopta, Swaro 15x on a tripod and I...