The great bison herds are gone. Ivory hunting is pretty risky nowadays. The red deer hunting is more of an industry than an adventure….. How else can a man make a living hunting?!? Sure you don’t pull the trigger, but it’s your hunt as much as the clients’. It’s a partnership and you’re still...
I guided sheep hunts for 6 years and was big sheep snob. Goats were a second class citizen. Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell. Then I moved to goat country and hunted them because I had to. Too far from sheep country. Demeaning.
They grow on you. They’re actually an amazing animal that can...
Oh good to know. I’ll check it out. The mag cost is not insignificant, considering I wouldn’t stop at just one….
I am looking to restock the ranch model. I appreciate the drop mags and like having 10 down, but ar mags are fine and dandy - and cheap
@The Guide - could we get an update on this stock? I am thinking of ordering one for my RAR. Wondering how you like it, any pitfalls with a little time on it?
Why are you selling this scope? Looks like the perfect scope to me, the fixed 6 leupold has been one of my favorites. I am a little leery of the long term tracking ability based on what I’ve read on this forum. My fixed 6s are set and forget scopes - no experience with dialing them.
With a good quality, heavy barrel and a really good bedding job, I’ve found 77s to shoot decent with free floating. But with lighter barrels it has been my experience they improve with slight tip pressure on the barrel. I take electrical tape and add a little to the barrel at the front of the...
Good point on small game. I do a lot of small game hunting with reduced loads. AR's are not the best at that. However, this is not an 'only one' situation. It just a firearm that should be owned as a basic right of firearm ownership, and also used as a general purpose firearm when the situation...
Flow through suppressors worth it? The A10 in 556 looks like good value? TBAC ultra 5 enough to break the vicious blast? Adjustable gas? Seems like something else to go wrong but if a system is designed around a certain amount of backpressure it does make intuitive sense to adjust to that...
Your set up sounds exactly what I had in mind. What make is the rifle? Or did you build it?
6 and 22 ARC are both appealing in theory, but so was the Grendel. I’ve come to feel the AR was built around the 223 and it’s probably at its best in that. If the 556 chambering will suffice, I’d...