Changed it to just say NE New Mexico.. but I wasn’t asking anything specific about the unit. Just curious if this group would give insight on if theyd rather hunt with a bow real early in the season on private land or hunt with a rifle in NM on public.
I’ve two options. 7000 acres of private land in Utah to bow hunt August 22-26 or New Mexico public land NE unit rifle October 6-11.. both hunts are guided.
What would you choose and why?
I’m gonna try to mix in a little of both. Never been to the area or elk hunted, so I’ll probably glass some and check out spots I think are interesting. Just gonna learn as I go and enjoy it. Probably learn some of those same things you learned the hard way and that’s what will make it fun in...
It’s definitely something I’m concerned about. It’s gonna be a massive change, so we’re gonna be as careful as we can be. If it gets bad, we’ll back off and head back to town. I’m not sure of a way to adjust slowly in such a short trip.
That’s a lot of my plan. Find a camping spot in one basin and glass, then maybe move to a second basin and glass. With only a few days, we might only get to check out one spot, but I am hoping from the glassing knobs I’ve marked we can cover a lot of country with glass. We are planning on going...
I’m definitely not used to the altitude. Area I live in is 350ft above sea level. However, I’d like to think I’m in better than average shape, and I’ve routinely ran 3-5 miles multiple days a week for the last year. I’m glad you specifically noted what you wear. I’ve been trying to figure out...
Fingers crossed there will be a little less snow 4 weeks from now.
Duly noted on not expecting elk to be in the same area. I think my biggest take away will be establishing realistic expectations of how far I can pack in and actively hunt. I'll at least be familiar with the access and have put...
Everything I can find on the internet other than blasting the exact trailhead in this thread seems to note fairly good access. I’ve got 3 to 4 areas/trails with various distances from a main road, but only one trail is my focus on this trip due to the time I’ve got.
Good info. I'd much rather go floorless. I run the Seek Cimarron, so my buddy and I could split the shelter to save weight if we had to. Might be a game time decision.
I've been planning a DIY hunt to Colorado for a while now. I had finally pulled the trigger to try it this September, but due to baby #2 expecting to be born 9/6, I've had to push the hunt until 2024. I've never been out west but spent extensive time in the backcountry of the Appalachian...
My bad.. I’m asking what have been some of everyone’s Amazon finds that turned out to be really convenient or beneficial. Mainly wondering about the off brand things that most people think wouldn’t last a day on the mountain and turned out to be a really good buy. I didn’t see the cheap gear...
I just ordered a thermarest pillow and a klymit insulated static v luxe sl from go hunt. Both were on sale. Still kicking around the bag or quilt. I like the EE convert quit. Looks like the best of both worlds?
Thanks for the advice. That definitely gives me some options. I didn’t know half of these brands existed. All you can find around my area is bass pro brand camping gear or Walmart specials so this has been a huge help.