I have an Aero M4 with a upgraded rise armament trigger, an epsilon gamma brake, giessele ambi charging handle and a vortex 1-6 on it. It will come with 6 mags. It’s only had about 3 mags shot through it. Looking to trade for whitetail caliber bolt guns. .243, 6.5 , 7mm-08 something along those...
Looking to possible trade my Christensen Arms Mesa long range in .300 win mag. It’s wearing a vortex pst gen 2 5-25 SFP on top of a nightforce 20 Moa rail with nightforce lightweight rings. It shoots 215 Berger’s very well. Looking for more of a lightweight rifle in a short action but would...
I think Broz has a good point, to each their own. With that said I would listen to him he’s documented more kills on big game animals than most on this forum and that doesn’t happen by accident.