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  1. decrooj

    WTB Kuiu pack bag

    Would you part with just the 5200 bag? If so how much?
  2. decrooj

    Sold Kuiu icon pro pack

    I can do $150 for everything other than the 7200 bag
  3. decrooj

    Sold Kuiu icon pro pack

    If you are willing to split it up, I may be interested in the remaining items, if SwampDog13 buys the 7200 bag, of course all depending on the price. What size is the rain cover you have?
  4. decrooj

    Sold Kuiu icon pro pack

    Copy. Thanks!
  5. decrooj

    Sold Kuiu icon pro pack

    Is the belt S/M or L/XL?
  6. decrooj

    Anyone hunt unit 25A in Alaska

    Ok. Thanks for the information. Who did you previously use for a flight service? Just so folks don’t end up with a poor experience themselves!
  7. decrooj

    Kotzebue Hunt Recap

    Sounds like a an amazing trip. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy hearing people’s stories and seeing photos, as well as what worked well and what didn’t work so well in regards to the entire trip, including all of the logistics! It really helps those of us that are planning a trip of our own. I...
  8. decrooj

    DIY Moose hunting trip 2020

    Following as I am planning a trip as well
  9. decrooj

    New Kuiu Pro Suspension and Pro Bag Review

    Great review! I wish now that I would have waited to pull the trigger and purchase my set up!
  10. decrooj

    WTS/WTT Kuiu icon pro 5200

    How old is the pack? Curious if it’s the newer model or the older one.
  11. decrooj

    WTS Kuiu Ultra Down Vias Set - L /M

    Did you have much for layers on underneath the coat when you wore it and the fit was fine?
  12. decrooj

    WTS Kuiu Verde 2.0

    PM Sent
  13. decrooj

    Anyone hunt unit 25A in Alaska

    I am going with Tyrell’s Trails. Who did you use for your drop hunt? I will have the option of adding caribou to my hunt. What dates were you up there and how did it go?
  14. decrooj

    Anyone hunt unit 25A in Alaska

    I have a moose hunt booked for unit 25A in Alaska. I was curious if anyone had experience hunting that unit and what I should expect. I realize hunting is hunting and one can’t predict how the future will be, but I want to hear your experience. The terrain, number of animals, quality of animals...
  15. decrooj

    WTS/WTT Kuiu icon 5200 w/accessories $350 Brand new

    I see that you have $350 in the title of the post, but then further down you have a "price drop" What is new price after the price drop?