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  1. S

    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    So what did you end up with?
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    I tell ya after being out of rifle hunting the past 20 years scopes have gotten out of control. Way too many options and completely overwhelmed.
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    And this is what I am going to do. I can't see it sit in the safe and not be used at all. And i can't sell it. My uncle would pick me up when in was a kid and take hunting every weekend when my dad was on call. I was also the only nephew or niece to actually be named in his will, leaving me...
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    Nah nothing is too big. Besides selling it was not an option for me.
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    Thanks I think that is just what i am going to do. I have been debating what to do with it for a few months now. You think people would actually buy that vintage ammo?
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    I don't know the exact round count, but I know since the late 80's it hasn't seen a box of ammo through it. My uncle did not use it much at all. I also have 3 boxes of ammunition from when it was bought, along with the receipt from when he bought it. A friend of mine has a Kleingunther in 300...
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    Delima on a Gun Decision.

    I inherited several guns from a relative that I was very close to. One is a Weatherby Mk5 in 300wby. It was bought new in the late 70s. So here is my dilema, I want to hunt with the gun but it kicks like a mule, and it is the barrel is not free floating. Should I take the action and put a...
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    DEET damage

    Deet is really bad. Last summer the mosquitos were bad, sprayed it all over me, including on my face and head. Some how it got in my respiratory system an through sweeting it got in my blood stream. Long story short it attacked my nervous system and cost me 4 days in the hospital. Now I can not...
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    Which Pack do I Need?

    Thank you. Its harder to pick out a pack than a vehicle. Toooo many options.
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    Pnuma Waypoint vs Sitka Stratus

    I think I have narrowed down my choices to either of these two jackets. I am mainly stand whitetail hunting in the south so very rarely colder that 30's. Anyone try both of these if so which would you recommend?
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    Which Pack do I Need?

    Can you post some pics of your setup? This has me curious. Thanks,
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    Looking for a long range whitetail pack

    I am kind of in the same boat as you, but I at times still use a locon. So I would need something to hold a locon and sticks. I was looking at the new sitka pack but I am sure there is a better option out there. I am just not familiar with packs made for out west. My pack is truly my setup weakness.