I would have to classify 16” groups @ 100 yards as unable to be hunted with from the 22-250. The 280 ai was much better around 8” @ 100 yards. If your hunting with that level of accuracy so be it but I’m not.
Had to fly a little kid this evening with fractured femur and cigarette burns this...
I’ll dig up the 22-250 and 280ai info out of the cloud and give you all a tasting after I have reached the satisfactory requirements to make threads. Long story short I had a couple 1/4 MOA rifles with bergers that would not stabilize the early HH’s despite being told by Steve they would...
Bullets tumbling upon impact is the norm. But it doesn’t sound like you got great expansion which is not ideal… normally I see bullets tumble/deflect after hitting bone not so much on a “meat hit”. If call that one a fluke and keep on keeping on. If the previous 6 boxes where satisfactory...
More like created an account here to get into a hunting forum where everyone isn’t a conceded prick but it looks like one already found me.. I don’t owe you an explanation but if I feel like divulging that information again maybe you will find it here.