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  1. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    🤣 With an avatar like that I could totally see that.
  2. Musky

    Post up pics of your pups

    Alice the house hippo, English Mastiff will be 1 year Jan 29th
  3. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    It's the government using tax payer dollars to control it that I have the biggest issue with. That's all I was trying to get at. The same government that sets the standards for freedom of speech but only holds people not aligned with their beliefs accountable to. We will just have to agree to...
  4. Musky

    Need help troubleshooting AR

    You could pop the pin on the A2 buffer (the longer one) and take a weight out to lighten the load. I was going to suggest possibly a loose mag catch lever, however if both lowers are having this issue that almost rules that out. But that issue you could also see failure to feed and no bolt...
  5. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    I honestly couldn't agree with you more, on all accounts. The point I personally was trying to make is that it's a one way street. I left facebook because of the politics. I have insta so that I could continue to follow knife makers. Now insta is turning very political and I will be leaving...
  6. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    I think you missed my post on the baker, and for the record, I'm not trying argue. All I'm saying is that I wish it was equal for all sides. Not split left vs right. That's what's wrong with this country. Totally understand the private platform. Again, I'll repeat, it only counts to block...
  7. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?
  8. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    While I realize this is slightly off topic as far as topics go. Having said that, it is a long the same lines of private companies choosing to do what they prefer. Only difference is that as long as you're aligned towards the left you can't censor anything due to free speech. But try to fight...
  9. Musky

    Need help troubleshooting AR

    If it's an M-16 BCG then it's heavier than the standard Ar15 version and thus slows cycling down some. Not that there is anything wrong with it, generally speaking an M16 or full auto carrier is smoother to shoot as the recoiling rate is generally slowed down some. I generally prefer the M16...
  10. Musky

    Awesome trail cam pictures?

    Mountain Lion on the driveway. First time we've ever seen on one camera in the area. Did confirm on camera it was a lion as we originally thought it was a bobcat.
  11. Musky


    I've always wondered about this. I don't personally have a can yet. Why the preference for direct thread vs quick attach purely for hunting reasons?
  12. Musky


    I don't know how other companies are on paperwork, Silencer Central in my mind is number one in that area for sure. As far as for multiple rifles, my personal opinion is there may be better options. Having said that, if I ever pick one up, it will certainly be a Silencer Central can 100%.
  13. Musky

    Need help troubleshooting AR

    What BCG do you have in the 450 upper? I agree it's either buffer/spring or also could be a BCG issue.
  14. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    Sure, totally understand that. What I don't understand is our tax dollars paying these companies to censor anything other than what the government wants to put out in the media. I also understand that both of these things while similar are also different. The same people who bawl about free...
  15. Musky

    Looks like instagram changed their algorithm in the last 24 hours?

    Gave up FB years ago, looks like IG is next for me as well. Such a shame that in the land of the free, there is such censorship.
  16. Musky


    Welcome aboard.
  17. Musky

    Setting up a 4 person hunt with 3 Newbs, what would you suggest???

    Congrats on a successful hunt and what sounds like successful leadership! Sounds like a heck of a trip, way to stay positive!