Search results

  1. ZDR

    Inguinal Hernia & surgery?

    Hahaha…ya, I wasn’t going to mention that part…😳
  2. ZDR

    Inguinal Hernia & surgery?

    Wow, that’s way higher than I would have expected…shockingly high…
  3. ZDR

    Inguinal Hernia & surgery?

    This is the workout I started after surgery and am still using it. I didn’t start it the first 10 days or so, but i am still using the day 3 plan along with some of my own stuff. I’m going to start the going through the rest of his post hernia surgery plan now. maybe it would help you? I’d hate...
  4. ZDR

    Inguinal Hernia & surgery?

    You nailed it - the gas coming up through that area was painful…
  5. ZDR

    Inguinal Hernia & surgery?

    **Post surgery update** I had the laparoscopy surgery 5 weeks ago as of last Friday and thought I would give a quick update. I ended up having a double hernia and both were quite low in the groin area with the left side being significantly larger. The surgery took 145 mins and according to the...
  6. ZDR

    Alpha Upgrade: Leica Noctovid & Swaro EL/NLs?

    For those of you who prefer 12x, can you handhold them steady or do you only use them on a tripod?
  7. ZDR

    2024 Bows?

    PSE Mach 30
  8. ZDR

    LCA Vanemaster pro wire covers

    Just measured mine:
  9. ZDR

    LCA Vanemaster pro wire covers

    Hit send accidentally. I just need to verify the outer diameter of the LCA TUBING
  10. ZDR

    LCA Vanemaster pro wire covers

    I’m in the same boat and thinking of ordering this from Amazon...
  11. ZDR

    STAN OnneX Clicker Thumb Button Release

    You can adjust it so it doesn’t click.
  12. ZDR

    Inreach Mini; 2 on same account?

    Exactly what I needed. Thank you both! I think I saw that note a year or so ago when I first got the mini but couldn’t find it recently.
  13. ZDR

    Inreach Mini; 2 on same account?

    Is it possible to have two Inreach mini / Mini 2 active on the same account? I’m looking to get my wife one, and want to only have one account with two data plans. I cannot find the answer to this on garmins site. thanks z
  14. ZDR

    WTB LCA Vane master pro

    Thanks! I do have an account there but no luck so far.
  15. ZDR

    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    My horse…several years ago while bow hunting elk in the Pecos wilderness, came back to camp to find my horse gone. Picked up his tracks on the trail heading south to Iron Gate trailhead. Whole walking the trail, an outfitter rode up demanding to know if I knew anything about his wall tents being...
  16. ZDR

    WTB LCA Vane master pro

    Long shot I know…but
  17. ZDR

    Sold Kuiu Gila hoody, 145 zip T

    Pm sent
  18. ZDR

    WTB LCA Vane master pro

  19. ZDR

    WTB LCA Vane master pro

    Once more…
  20. ZDR

    WTB LCA Vane master pro
