Search results

  1. 6

    Sold Christensen Arms Mesa FFT 7mm PRC 22"

    Back up. Open to reasonable offers on the package.
  2. 6

    Sold Christensen Arms Mesa FFT 7mm PRC 22"

    2k shipped for the package.
  3. 6

    Sold Christensen Arms Mesa FFT 7mm PRC 22"

    I have two boxes of 175gr ELD-X I'll toss in with full package.
  4. 6

    Sold Christensen Arms Mesa FFT 7mm PRC 22"

    Sold. Christensen Arms Mesa FFT 7mm PRC 22". 1 box of 175gr ELD-X down the barrel, fired 3 and cleaned. Final 3 shots were under .7 moa off bipod. Will come with Leupold 20 MOA base. Link to rifle...
  5. 6

    Prime Revex 2, Matthews Phase 4, Hoyt RX 7 Ultra, and Prime Inline Bow Shootout!

    Recently shot almost the same list of bows, but with the addition of the Bowtech SS34. My previous bow is a Mathews V3 31 for reference. The Phase 4 was the first bow I put back out of the group. Draw cycle felt like crap and so did the grip. I went home with a RX7 but it was not my favorite. I...
  6. 6

    Sold Iron Will S100 Broadheads

    Let me know if you end up with any left.
  7. 6

    Sold 7mm PRC 175gr ELD-X

    8 Boxes of 7mm PRC ELD-X. $450 to your door. Paypal plus fees or F&F, Venmo.
  8. 6

    WTS Spot Hogg Wise Guy, Shrewd Optum

    Spot Hogg Wise Guy $75 Shrewd Optum .10 single pin, left hand $75 I shoot right handed and prefer the bubble on top with left hand scopes. Prices are shipped. Paypal or venmo
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    Sold Spot Hogg Wise Guy, Shrewd Optum

    Spot Hogg Wise Guy $65 *Sold Shrewd Optum .10 single pin, left hand $65 I shoot right handed and prefer the bubble on top with left hand scopes. Green Bee Stinger Counterslide 15" $100 Trades: Hoyt SL sidebar mount, AAE 6" stabilizer, Axcel picatinny mount. Prices are shipped. Paypal or venmo
  10. 6

    WTB 15" & 6" AAE Mountain stab

    Looking for a 15" and 6" AAE mountain series stabilizer. I have a 12" I would be willing to trade if someone wanted it.
  11. 6

    More on WY winter 2023

    Thanks for posting. Its been hard across the entire state and its not over yet.
  12. 6

    Wyoming antelope They have been hit hard this year. Mule deer numbers are going to be way down as well.