Search results

  1. B

    High Magnification Rifle Scope instead of Spotter?

    If you're speaking of saving 6lbs by not carrying a spotter and tripod, then how would you plan to stabilize the scope? I've known guys who have packed a variable power scope to use in place of both binos and a spotter. It saves a lot of weight, space, and can be relatively inexpensive, but...
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    My Western Optics journey

    I'll message you Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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    WTS WTS: Optics clean out. Vortex, Meopta, weaver.

    I just received the Meopta 15s and they look great. I say buy with confidence.
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    Binos to pair with 12x50

    My understanding is that the Kowa BD and even the newer BD II models are made in China, actually. Here's a short review of the new BD2 6.5x32 XD from about a month ago, and the owner says it says "Made in China" on them. That seems to be a...
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    My Western Optics journey

    Thanks for all the replies. Those adulterated SLC 15s are getting sent back today. Crazy how some people would treat something so nice (and expensive). And they don't even realize it sometimes. I'm not completely sure why I took the time to write out that story. I guess I hope it helps someone...
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    WTS WTS: Optics clean out. Vortex, Meopta, weaver.

    I'm sorry I confused things. I contacted the seller through text message to ask some questions (not long after he posted the ad, and before anyone had replied on the post). I said I would buy them, pending pictures of the lenses (which he wasn't able to get until the next morning). As far as I...
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    My Western Optics journey

    Hi. My name is Ben, and I'm an Opticolic. And I'm pretty sure I'm not alone here. Only seven years ago I was using a Bushnell Sportsman 10x42 binocular from Walmart and a Simmons Blazer spotter (...also from Walmart). As a college graduation present (graduated at 30) I bought myself a...
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    Binos to pair with 12x50

    Great. Now I feel the urge to try out those Kowa 6.5x32s. Please do report back with what you think of them.
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    Binos to pair with 12x50

    I just checked out the specs on that Kowa BD ii 6.5x32 and it looks like it might be the hot ticket. It is claimed to have a 525' field of view (which is near 10 degree). I think the OPer ought to buy one of them and let us know how it is!
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    Binos to pair with 12x50

    You might enjoy a lightweight 8x bino (and find that you use it a LOT). I messed with 6-6.5x and found that you typically get just as wide of a field of view with 8x. I feel like 8x is about the max I can really free-hand without really noticing my shakiness. Maybe check out the Maven B3 in...
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Well. Looks like I'll be keeping this bad boy! Sorry y'all missed out. Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Thanks for all the publicity! I've been thinking that I should just keep this spotter and figure out another way to pay off the credit card (home repairs exceeded slush fund). This thing was on the chopping block due to its value and how I don't use it as much as I do big binoculars. I know...
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Bump. Still here!
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Bump. dropped to $1700.
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Bump... again Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Bump and $ drop How about $1750? Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
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    WTS Meopta Meostar S2 30-60x WA 82mm Spotter

    Yes sir. I know it's a good one -- especially with the wide angle 30-60x eyepiece. I imagine I'm getting no interest due to Cameraland having a similar deal for a new one with the 20-70x eyepiece. I know that's probably not going to help me sell this one... but either way these are amazing...