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  1. K

    Tired of Colorado Deadfall

    as many hunters as there are in 17 i thought by now they would have cut it all up for firewood.
  2. K

    Car washes

    car wash is for washing vehicles. i say he did what he was supposed to while there. never seen one with a time limit because most of them self service bays sell by the minute.
  3. K

    Sitka took a stand

    there is more oil reserves available now than we can burn in the next 100 years. face it, oil is going out way sooner than that as a major fuel source. no need to drill in ANWAR
  4. K

    Want to know anti-hunting companies

    i use miniature spears with my bow so under armor is out
  5. K

    Want to know anti-hunting companies

    didnt under armor fire a guy for legally harvesting a black bear?
  6. K

    Free range alpacas...

    are they good eatin?
  7. K

    Anyone have one of the New Ram Trucks?

    i am on my third ram, have a 2017 powerwagon and love it.
  8. K

    Manbun bits......

    maybe you should paint the bullets pink for him too.
  9. K

    soooo you've got a lot of partially filled iso-butane fuel canisters.......

    maybe you could use the partially filled canisters as bear deterrent. when the bear gets to you just shove it in his mouth and right when he bites down on it light a cigarette lighter. kind of like the end of the first jaws movie.
  10. K

    Move to WY?

    I love Wyoming, but to live there you better like winter and wind.
  11. K

    Kamala Harris

    Kammy is for legalized prostitution and is on record saying so. Maybe thats why Biden picked her.
  12. K

    Quiver preference

    I carry three arrows. I figure if I can't get it done on a bull in three shots it's time to go back to the truck.
  13. K

    How many years before you got your first bull?

    2 days. the best tip i got was hunt where there are elk.
  14. K

    CO 14, 15, 16 Archery advice

    good news is in 150 years all that blowdown will be rotted away.
  15. K

    CO 14, 15, 16 Archery advice

    there is beetle kill blown down. there are elk so go and find them and kill one. don't let someone tell you the blow down is so bad it ain't worth going. there are areas you can navigate and hunt.