Search results

  1. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Still available. Ready to ship. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump. Make me an offer! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. BenHankins

    Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

    Some may think this is stupid but I think it works really well for steadiness on the 12s and thought I would share. I found that wearing a ball cap and placing my hands on the top of the bill of the cap with thumbs on the bottom of the binocular securing the bino. I can handhold them now using...
  6. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Nallo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    $625 takes the brand new nallo! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump for the Nallo2. This is $200 off retail for a brand new tent and ground tarp. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. BenHankins

    First lite sale

    I don’t drop hundreds on long underwear, I was looking to buy a Christmas gift. I only use 1 pair for a hunting trip. A good quality merino you can get by with it. I also like the zip off bottoms because I get really hot hiking and really cold sitting so I like to shed them and it’s a pain...
  10. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Kaitum 4 is SPF. Nallo is still available. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Best tent on earth, you can ride out a tornado in Oklahoma with one of these Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    If you hunt or hike where snowfall or high winds are typical, Hilleberg is the standard for those conditions. The Nallo is awesome for backpacking, can be run in double wall or single wall mode to save even more weight. The Kaitum 4 would be awesome for a couple of guys going on a trip to...
  13. BenHankins

    WTS Phone Skope

    Phone Skope for IPhone XS Max compatible with Swarovski ATX. 40$ TYD. Basically brand new. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Can’t believe these are still here. These are brand new. The only one I opened was the Nallo. I set the Nallo up in the living room to get an idea of the size. I will be glad to take photos of anyone that is wanting to buy but wants to make sure it’s all there and in new condition. I have sold...
  15. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. BenHankins

    Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

    If you glass from a tripod a lot I think you’ll be fine. It’s the longer distance handholding that I found frustrating when on my hunt, I could not glass very effectively. Which kind of sucks because I don’t always like lugging the tripod around. I really wish I had a pair of 10 NLs to compare...
  17. BenHankins

    First lite sale

    That’s what I am wondering... kind of lackluster prices by the time you pay shipping and tax. Unless you are buying a lot of items. Wanted to buy a pair of merino bottoms but tax and shipping adds like $15 to the price. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. BenHankins

    WTS Hilleberg Tents

    Bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. BenHankins

    Swarovski NL Pure Binocular

    I bought the 12s, they are super sweet on a tripod and alright sitting down but glassing standing up I have trouble holding the 12 power still. I thought for sure I bought the do all end all but there is no such thing. Everything comes with a compromise. I definitely think the NL 12s are the...