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  1. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    Yep. One of my friends is barrel chested and we did have to slide his almost all the way to the lower stitch point though.
  2. cmeier117

    Remedy 7 packs

    Well? Which is it?
  3. cmeier117

    Kuiu or MR

    I would choose the KUIU for the sole fact that the frame is taller on the KUIU. But I would choose neither and go with a Kifaru BT3, ;)
  4. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    Ya, they can do more harm than good with day hunt gear loaded up. Even for the pack in I like to have them snugged up, really helps stabilize the load.
  5. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    You can see in this pic where the 3 bar slider is, it actually might be a little low in this pic. But gives you an idea.
  6. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    That is point number 2, it need to be even with your collar bone.
  7. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    Try the belt from Kifaru or Kuiu. You want a thin webbing belt and that will help solve the issue.
  8. cmeier117

    Books, Audiobooks and Candy Crush?

    I want a picture of Aron playing candy crush in his bivy that is titled "Meat Mode, except for when its Candy Time!!"
  9. cmeier117

    Kifaru pack No No's and tips on fit.

    So I had a few local buddies and father in-law buy a kifaru pack this summer and they are starting to get them dialed in for the season, they have had some issues on getting the pack adjusted properly and fitting right when loaded up. I figured I would post up what they were doing wrong and...
  10. cmeier117

    Books, Audiobooks and Candy Crush?

    No books for me, except reading elknut's playbook. ;) besides calling the wife the phone stays off on hunts.
  11. cmeier117

    Tenzing Pack vs. Badlands Pack

    I saw Kifaru but between the two... If you gave me a few weeks I could answer that. I have a badlands summit pack coming which I hear should be better than there old 4500 which was pretty good.
  12. cmeier117

    Remedy 7 packs

    B-A, Do you work for BC or are you looking at buying a pack and want some advice?
  13. cmeier117

    Need help with a Kryptek purchase

    I will say I got a large in all of my tops except the Merino and it all fits great! The merino will shrink a little and I could have gotten away with a large. FYI I am 5' 11" 190lbs 33 inch waist or so.
  14. cmeier117

    Remedy 7 packs

    He said once it got above 50-60 lbs the pack constantly slid down and he said he had to keep re-adjusting the pack to prevent various hot spots on his lumbar and hips. Once over 80lbs he said it was not comfortable at all.
  15. cmeier117

    Remedy 7 packs

    The new Remedy 7 pack that is made in the USA. It was the 4800 solution pack.
  16. cmeier117

    Remedy 7 packs

    A good friend of mine has used one for awhile and has quite a few miles with it. When he was done testing it he got rid of it and picked up his Kifaru. Doesn't even compare he said.
  17. cmeier117

    Kryptek Clothing

    Everything I got looks good, Loving the Borealis and helios top!
  18. cmeier117

    Elk Scouting Trip Video

    great video? So the Swaro beats the Zeiss so far huh?
  19. cmeier117

    What one day's worth of food looks like for us

    I basically take what you guys are taking but one of my bars is a Metrx protein bar that is about 450 calories and small bags of trail mix, which gets me to about 2700 calories a day. Doesn't look like much food, but its all you need.
  20. cmeier117

    Trying out the Swarovski ATX 85

    That one elk has incredible length!!