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  1. W

    Backpacking lanterns

    how much heat do those put out?
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    Stabilizer help

    I have a stabilizer kit from HI-tek sports. I use arrows to make it what ever length I want and can add what ever weight and vibration damper to it. Mine is 7" long (not including the weight), Fuse stealth discs, 4 oz weight and weighs in at 7.8 oz.
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    For Spot & Stalk Compound Bow Hunters Only

    5 pin fixed.. 25,40,50,60,70
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    different price range packs

    I have had Kifaru dubplex and bikini frame and now have the SeekOutside frame. I like the Seekoutside pack frame much better than the kifaru. It fits me better, I can adjust the frame height on the seekoutside, the seekoutside pack frame is just as durable as the kifaru and it fits me much...
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    adding a stove jack to tipi

    I have a golite shangri-la 5. I was wandering if anyone knows where I could send it to have a stove jack put in it?
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    Insight on new kifaru frame?

    everyone keeps talking about how it sounds so revolutionary and new.. . everything that is being described sounds pretty much like a Seekoutside pack frame.
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    Mystery Ranch Pop Up 28

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    Mystery Ranch Pop Up 28

    could someone that has this frame weigh just the frame and post it up? thanks.
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    Best pack frame (just the frame)

    It has been a while since I did it, yes I slid the sleeve over the frame and i made some home made straps with buckles to attach the frame to bag.
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    How to pick a Pack (Kifaru vs. Exo Mountain vs. Stone Glacier)

    The only way to pick one that fits your body properly is to try them ... I have used Kifaru, mystery ranch, kuiu, eblerlestock, badlands, sitka and SeekOutside. The SeekOutside is the one that fits me best and feels the most comfortable from being a day pack to packing heavy meat loads.
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    Best pack frame (just the frame)

    I would not leave SeekOutside out of the discussion. That is what I have and I have used it with Kifaru, Kuiu and home made bags.
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    New Mystery Ranch Packs

    what is the frame height measurement?
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    New Mystery Ranch Packs

    Did the question about how tall the pop up frame is when it is up and down get answered?
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    Where to pitch my tent?

    we have had elk come right through camp with no ill effects. They move around a lot. We always have camp close to water, in a spot free of dead trees and where we don't have to worry about standing water if it rains a lot.
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    Camo Face Paint

    I hate painting my face when on a back country hunt so I use a face mask that is like a net. not hot at all.
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    Help with Backpack Choice

    if the farthest you are going to be hauling a heavy load is 1/2 mile I would not waste money on a high end hauling pack. Look at horn hunter, some sort of molle pack frame suck as wilderness packs, LL Bean makes a frame I believe the cache hauler, kuiu would be another good option.
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    Pack Searching

    I switched from Kifaru to Seek Outside. Kifaru and other packs with the thick lumbar pad just never fit me right. I really like my pack, whether I am using it as my daily hunter or hauling heavy loads.
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    Backpack of choice for DIY Elk Hunt

    I did not like the extra thick lumbar pad on Kifaru, weight, the ability to easily adjust the frame height.
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    Backpack of choice for DIY Elk Hunt

    I just switched from Kifaru to SeekOutside. I am very happy with the change. Research them and if possible try some. If you can't You will probably be happy with what you choose.
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    Seekoutside revolution

    I have one I just got this spring. I have only used it around the place here with about 70lbs in it with no complaints. So far I actually like the hip belt and lumbar pad(or lack of one) better than my kifaru.