I'm thinking about getting one if I can get it in Kryptek camo...My shoulders just flat out suck, shooting my Vector Turbo today and it started acting up again so I'm thinking about an Eclipse.
Not a big deal at all as long as you shoot the proper draw length...If your one of those guys who shoot a 29" draw "because you always have" but you really need to be shooting a 27.5" draw length then a short brace height will probably bite you...With the correct draw length and half way decent...
Yeah it's brighter than CBE's single pin scope if that's what your comparing it to. If your talking about the CBE multi pin sights, yeah the Viper single pin scope is brighter than those too. The Viper scope has a spooled fiber on it, so they are really bright.
What is it, Archers Addiction or something like that...Big shop on the side of I-29 at the Renner/Crooks exit with the indoor ranges. He said he ordered in 1 Vector Turbo last year and couldn't get rid of it and he wouldn't be ordering any Spyder Turbos in for the shop since his customers don't...
I can steer you in a number of directions...Feel free to drop me a PM and I'll give you some string builders that I know & recommend.
I've shot John's since he started really...Yes I'm on his Staff, I was the first person that he ever made a "staff shooter". I had shot a lot of strings in the...
No he didn't get into detail...I just shot him a text and asked if he shot them at the show and he said this about the Spyder Turbo "Best Hoyt IMO...Loved It"
"Way better than the other 2 Spyders"....That was it, that's all the info I got out of him tonight but I'll hit him up for more later.
Just asked my string builder and he shot all of them at the ATA Show yesterday, he said the Spyder Turbo was his favorite Hoyt he's ever shot, and he's shot all of them...
Thinking about buying a new bow this summer and between these two...I like a little longer AtoA bow and I love Hoyt's...Don't know if I will get a chance to shoot a Turbo since my local Hoyt dealer seems dead set against the Turbo speed bows...said he had a Vector Turbo last year and couldn't...
Dang it, I'm gonna have to break down and buy a new Carbon Matrix or Spyder Turbo I guess....Just gotta figure out which one, really leaning towards another Matrix.
Yes I have, BUT with no stop they still have some over travel and the spring steel launcher can still slam down into the shelf...To get them up high enough that you don't have to worry about that your normally well above the berger hole on the riser and I don't like running rests that high myself.
The other thing that I forgot is speed nocks, some builders don't put the nocks on their strings....You lose some speed because of that if you don't have them "or if you don't have the right number in the right spot"...My guy always puts them on.
For some reason a few people seem to be opposed...
I'm a fan of heavy arrows for hunting...I had a PSE Omen Pro clocking in around 350fps I shot for 3-D a couple years ago shooting a 360gr arrow...Now I will say this, I like heavy arrows for hunting BUT I can promise you I could have sent that light 360gr arrow through anything walking in the...