Anyone ever use one? the life straw comes in at 2oz and i could defintely find a use for one, and the family model looks pretty good around camp. Just saw it moe across my facebook and just started looking into them, but thought i would post it up
I always look at it as net weight. IF you weigh 230 with a 70lb back you have 300 lbs going up the mountain. Take 10 off the gut and you have 290 going up the mountain for alot less money then the taken your pack weight from 70 to 60
Im a pretty big sausage guy heres one of my best tried and trues. make a a few hundered pounds of these. I have a breaktfast sausage, summer sausage, and kielbasa recuoe as well that are amazing if you are interested.
Why not include your optics weapon and electronics? i wouldnt count them as varibles because i pretty much bring the same ones on every hunt
On my body usually
First light boxers $40
Attack pants $120
Smart wool socks $20
Lowa tibets $500
Kuiu 185 $90
Guide jacket $250
In my pack...
Ill tell you one thing, goats in my experience live in way more awful areas then sheep. IF you have conqured the goat, the sheep wont be any harder. Doesnt wont mean it wont be hard, but goat hunting is pretty much the top of the food chain IMO.
Give er!
Can you take some close ups of the face? Looks good, cats are so hard to mount, its hard to find someone who can really do them well, and that one looks pretty good!
Nice band!! From what ive heard the washington guys did well, but thats as far south as i know (im in BC). its been unreal warm here all year with only a few days below freezing the entire season. and it didnt last long. We are still COVERED in birds but the season finished on the 18th. Maybe...
Finally after a few months of just beating the bread eaters, it finnally started to get a bit chilly and we could go after seaducks. Got quite a few good buddies some trophies this year. I am orginally from back east so i grew up shooting divers on the great lakes. I love hunting seaducks on the...
Well since hunting season is over for most of us I thought i would share our duck season last year do try to soothe the pain a bit. We had a great season and were coved up in birds pretty much all year. The Pacific Flyway was hot hot hot. I do love back country hunting, but its fairly new to me...