Search results

  1. H

    South Africa in 2026

    While the diving trip was fun, we unfortunately didn't see any Great White sharks. Due to the Orca presence that's moved into the area, Great White shark sightings are much less common. Still, there were a school of Copper sharks, biggest being 12', that showed up on cue both mornings. The...
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    Washington DC must see

    (1) Take time to walk the National Mall, you'll see the Vietnam Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and several other A-list sites. And if you still have time, you can always pop into one of the many museums. (2) The Air and Space Museum AT DULLES AIRPORT. Enjoy your trip!
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    South Africa in 2026

    I won a South African hunt at a banquet, basically stole it on auction and did the trip last June. I never had any desire to hunt in Africa, I did it primarily as an adventure. I only shot 1 animal, my buddy shot 3. Just to provide some context: We flew Delta from Atlanta direct to Cape Town...
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    Johhny from New York

    Welcome Johnny! Good to see folks from the Empire State joining. I've been out West since '97, but grew up around Buffalo. Again, welcome!
  5. H

    Discontinued Products you wish were still available

    1980s era Vasque Sundowner hiking boots.
  6. H

    Calling in Mountain Lions

    I had two (subadults?) come in while turkey hunting. They flushed birds that I was calling to, but I didn't know what was going on at that moment. I just kept aggressively calling till I saw them staring at me from 20 yards away. After a few seconds, one of them then started quickly crawling...
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    If you could manage sheep unit boundaries...

    A hypothetical question, just curious what others think... Say there is this Bighorn sheep hunting unit in a western state. It's a pretty good size area and the state issues 4 ram tags with reasonably high hunter success rates. There is decent motorized road access to most areas, still plenty...
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    NY Times: Fatal CA Mountain Lion Attack follow-up

    New York Times article written by the uncle of the two young men attacked, one fatally, by a mountain lion in California this past March. Touches on hunting culture, management issues of lions in California and what's being done, or at least talked about. Forwarding on as I think it's good...
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    Any flyfishing raft guys? looking to buy one

    Congrats on your upcoming move to Salmon. I lived there in the early 2000s. A raft is a great recreational investment when you consider what's within a 2-3 hour drive from there. Back then, I had a Down River Equipment fishing frame on a 14' Avon Ranger. On the narrow side at 6' but I felt it...
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    Is archery dying ?

    Where is 'here'? I feel confident saying that bow hunting popularity is steady, or increasing, in my part of Idaho.
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    Free Turkeys - Leavenworth

    Same here! Love hunting spring birds. If anybody wants to PM me and send locations of where these scourges of the earth prowl during the spring season on public lands, I'll promise to do all I legally can. You got them on your private land, even better! Thanks! (I mean, it's not like I'm...
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    Getting donations for banquets

    Thank you to everybody for your input, all good points. I've only ever been to two banquets, but one was this banquet in '23 when I walked away with a South African hunting trip at a very fair bid price. I'm looking to help, give back, and just get some experience in how these work. As for the...
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    Getting donations for banquets

    I just volunteered to help my local National Wild Turkey Federation chapter prepare for their annual fundraising banquet. Specifically, soliciting for (non-firearm) donations like gear, gift cards and trips. They say they’ll take anything. I’m completely new to this. And while I’m sure the...
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    Merry Christmas to yourself?

    Tomorrow morning I'm headed to the Idaho Fish & Game office to buy a lifetime hunting and fishing license. I turned 51 less than a month ago and the price drops considerably at that age. Merry Christmas to me.
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    1,000" Game Farm Whitetail
  16. H

    Hunting near Ski area in national forest?

    Regarding any concerns about where you can or cannot hunt on Forest Service lands immediate to the ski area, I would strongly suggest calling the local District Ranger office and asking to speak to either their Recreation Specialist, or their Special Use Permit Specialist (most likely works...
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    Wait till after the SHOT Show?

    I've been researching for my first suppressor to put on my 7mmRM and am down to several finalists. Immediately after that, I'll be upgrading the scope. While I could purchase these now, I'm not going to be using either very seriously until springtime. So... am I better off waiting until after...
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    Quality clothing w/o blatant labels

    Thank you Tod, it's good to know I'm not alone. And thanks to all of you who replied! I'm glad I posted this because I learned about some new brands. Will definitely be referencing this thread next time I'm shopping.
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    Quality clothing w/o blatant labels

    This is probably going to go nowhere, but I'll ask anyway. Can anybody recommend a quality outdoor clothing brand that doesn't have their logo annoyingly prominent on their products? Am I the only one that doesn't like feeling like I'm advertising for a brand? I like Patagonia because many of...
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    Portable chair while bow hunting?

    Looking for a lightweight saddle/stool/chair that I can pack around with me while bowhunting. I do a lot of waiting at ambush points, but also move long distances to get to those points. I'd figure there's got to be some kind of lightweight saddle-like-thingy that one can straddle in a...