Search results

  1. Bearhunter

    Adventure of a Lifetime

    Awesome write up and Killer Bull! What Transporter did you guys use? What methods did you guys use to keep the meat good for 2 weeks? Thanks
  2. Bearhunter

    Labor Day Combo Hunt

    Nice work fellas!
  3. Bearhunter

    Lane’s Southern Idaho Elk Hunt

    Goodluck Lane, hope you and the crew find a great bull.
  4. Bearhunter

    Kifaru 8 man tipi

    Good deal, won't last long! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Bearhunter

    Scarpa Boots NEW not worn

    $190 shipped
  6. Bearhunter

    Whose 8-Man Tipi?

    Thanks guys for all the great info keep it coming, I am looking at either the Kifaru or SO as well.
  7. Bearhunter

    Scarpa Boots NEW not worn

    Sorry I was wrong these are size 9
  8. Bearhunter

    Scarpa Boots NEW not worn

    Scarpa Boots NEW (SOLD) Scarpa size 10 mountain hunting boots. $200 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Bearhunter

    Kifaru in Wisconsin

    Try Les Welch I know he would be more then happy to help ya out with a fitting...
  10. Bearhunter

    Knight Ultralite Muzzleloader with a Miller Muzzle Break

    Idaho CTD thanks for the info that is exactly what benchmark did! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Bearhunter

    Long range muzzleloader

    Ya its a .50cal with western kit, it has a couple scratches on the stock is why its hugely discounted, could definetly be cleaned up...
  12. Bearhunter

    Knight Ultralite Muzzleloader with a Miller Muzzle Break

    So I went ahead and had benchmark install a Miller Break, going to give it a try this week. I am keeping my fingers crossed the miller break will not cheese grater the Sabots.. If so I am going to mill out a Harrell's Sabot Muzzle Brake clone with a buddy. Cant wait to try out the gun now!
  13. Bearhunter

    Long range muzzleloader

    Good to see some Knight guys placing in the top ranks! For anyone in the market for a Mountaineer there is one at Skagit Arms in Burlington WA in the $700 range which is a steal as they are 11-1200 guns now... Thanks for posting Sabotloader!
  14. Bearhunter

    Swarovski 85mm Objective

    $1250 Price drop, this is cheaper then I can buy the scope working for them...
  15. Bearhunter

    Kifaru bag selection for moose

    Not my moose, we helped a local out!
  16. Bearhunter

    Kifaru bag selection for moose

    I will be running a Kifaru EMR II this year up in AK for moose and caribou. I wanted a big enough bag with multiple pockets to stash gear in while being able to leave the main pack compartment open for back moose meat. I do believe the front zip is paramount when hauling massive amount of meat...
  17. Bearhunter

    Wtb 8 man tipi

    Lol so am I! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Bearhunter

    Swarovski 85mm Objective

    Pair this Objective lens with the new BTX, you'll be money ahead! I will ship... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Bearhunter

    Oregon Elk hunting

    Mister Hush, I couldn't agree with you more..... But in this case the units I was specifically asking about where a few that I was trying to put a last minute hunt together in, and I had access to an nonresident outfitter tag and would have made several scouting trips into as well. I decided...