Search results

  1. J

    Sold Proof CF 6.5 blank….

    One and only price drop… $575 TYD
  2. J

    WTS Kifaru belt…

    $85 TYD
  3. J

    Sold Berger 208 LRHTs…

    $140 TYD...
  4. J

    Sold Proof CF 6.5 blank….

    What are you gonna lose with 2"....30-50FPS? Was going to do another 6.5 PRC barrel for NRL type matches but decided to stick with what I've got...short enough to still run a 6" can on and long enough to run a brake w/o too much blast.
  5. J

    Sold Proof CF 6.5 blank….

    Sendero contour 8 twist 22” $600 TYD
  6. J

    WTB Crispi Altitudes…

    Found some…thanks for the replies.
  7. J

    Sold Berger 208 LRHTs…

    250ct box sold… $140 +shipping for the 2-100ct boxes.
  8. J

    WTB Crispi Altitudes…

    Thank you for that… Rare gesture these days.
  9. J

    WTB Crispi Altitudes…

    BO is definitely where I will order from if someone doesn’t have a slightly used pair they want to sell… If there is a ‘Slide code please PM me.
  10. J

    WTB Crispi Altitudes…

    Looking for a pair in a 10. No color preference…
  11. J

    WTB Kifaru Duplex Medium Belt

    I’ve got a CB listed here…
  12. J

    Sold Proof barrel cert…

    Selling a Proof barrel certificate for a SS prefit barrel. The value of the cert can be applied to a carbon blank or carbon pre fit as well per Proof. Save yourself $100 on a new barrel. Cert expires 12/31/2024... $550 shipped.
  13. J

    WTS Kifaru belt…

  14. J

    WTS Kifaru belt…

    Medium duplex Has stay pockets for the OG bikini frames Coyote brown $100 TYD.
  15. J

    Sold Siembida knife FS…

    Around again…