Search results

  1. T

    Is your next generation adding or losing hunters?

    My dad didn’t hunt. But my brother and I do. I have two daughters, one with zero interest in hunting and the other seems to like it but she’s only 9 so hard to say if it will stick. So it will be a net loss for me. My brother has one kid. He’s only 1 yr old so who knows if he will like it...
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    Looking to Move to Western NC or SW VA - Need Advice

    Might want to check out Wilkesboro area. That puts you within an hour of Winston Salem and a pretty easy drive at that. Also puts you within an hour of plenty of public land in both Va and NC. Wilkesboro is still a pretty small town but plenty of amenities. Decent restaurants, a hospital, a...
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    Really big black bear from eastern North Carolina. 780 lbs worth.

    Peanuts, soy beans, corn. And they don’t hibernate.
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    Really big black bear from eastern North Carolina. 780 lbs worth.

    Generally, in NC we do make a distinction between eastern bears and western bears due to the immense difference in size. Since there is way more agriculture down east the bears get much larger. A 500lb bear down east is not uncommon. A 500lb mountain bear is pretty rare. That bear is a...
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    China Invades!

    If I had any guns I would take a .22LR of some sort and all the ammo I could carry. Wouldn’t need anything else. Since I don’t have any guns I guess I’ll have take a stick and rub it against the sidewalk until it’s sharp, because i don't have any knives either.
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    What do you do for a living?

    RN at a hospital. I’ve done 3 12s, then went into management and did 5 8s. That sucked so I got out of management and I’m back to 3 12s. Gives a pretty decent amount of free time and can work my schedule to where I can have 7-10 days off without taking much PTO.
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    Its that time of year 2023 fitness goals

    Ticked off another 2023 goal. Surpassed 1,000 miles running.
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    Rogan/Hanes launch “elk blood” energy drink….

    Been hunting for 30 yrs in various states. East and west. I buy what I want, and don’t buy things I don’t want. Don’t care what others buy or don’t buy. I kill what I want to kill and dont care what others kill. My point is that I think it’s funny that yall get all upset over a product...
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    Rogan/Hanes launch “elk blood” energy drink….

    It’s called capitalism. Don’t like? Then don’t buy it. Or move to China.
  10. T

    Careers? Any RN's?

    Facility I was working at gave me a $0.33/hr raise. I gave my heart and soul to that place for 8 yrs. Worked 90 hrs a week during the height of the pandemic. Did education and training on my time and paid for it out of my own pocket at times so I could be a better nurse and try to implement...
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    Careers? Any RN's?

    Your job takes up 36 hours per week of your life. It doesn’t matter how shitty it is, it’s only 36 hours. Go to the one that pays more.
  12. T

    Careers? Any RN's?

    They all suck. Healthcare is a shit show. It’s just what degree of suck are you willing to put up with and for how much money. For $25k more per year doing the exact same job, I can put up with a lot suck.
  13. T

    Careers? Any RN's?

    Yes, you have to leave your base health system. It took me 8 yrs to figure that out. I just left the hospital I started at as a new grad. Lateral move, just moved to a new system and got an immediate 30% pay raise.
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    Careers? Any RN's?

    I’ve been a nurse for 8 years. I’ve done emergency room, heart cath, interventional radiology, teaching and even a year in management. The biggest positive of a nursing career is that there are so many different specialties/areas that you are bound to eventually find something that you like...
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    How long did you hunt before you went for an elk?

    I was 31 when I went on my first elk hunt. Been hunting whitetails in the east since I was 13.
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    How many days a year do you hunt?

    I keep pretty detailed notes of all my hunting. Last year I did 17 days for whitetail in my home state plus 5 more days out of state. Got in 4 small game hunts and only one turkey hunt (spring is crazy busy). Got about 10 trout fishing trips in. On track for about the same this year.
  17. T

    Whats on your Christmas list?

    I got more junk than I know what to do with. I’ll take the 300 acres for sale up the road from me with a nice cabin. Place is loaded with wildlife. It’s only $2 million! If that’s too much to ask then an Arizona Elk tag.
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    How many big game tags is too many?

    Not sure what I would do with 5 elk tags? If I shot 5 elk no way I could consume or even give away that much meat. I get 6 deer tags a year in my state. I usually shot 2-3 deer and that’s all I need. I don’t give away hardly any meat. Maybe 10lbs a year. Too much time and effort goes into...
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    Its that time of year 2023 fitness goals

    Completed IM70.3 NC. Didn’t go as well as planned. Was shooting for 6:30 ended up at 7 hours. The headwind was pretty brutal and I was about 3mph slower on the bike than my average training rides. Oh well. In the end my ultimate goal was to finish and anytbing else was just icing on the...
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    Colorado Sells More Nonresident Elk Tags than all Seven Western States Combined

    I don’t care how many tags they sell. How many people are actually out there hunting??? And I mean really hunting. Not setting up camp at the local campground but actually getting out there and chasing elk. My guess is it’s not many. I’ve been to Colorado 5x in the last 7 yrs. I have...