Planet fitness with the ole lady
25 min treadmill
Bech press smith machine 5x10
Incline DB bench press 5x10
15 min stair stepper
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20 min Emom 1 clean and jerk
Min 1-5 #155
Min 6-10 #165
Min 11-15 #185
Min 16-20 #205
Power clean
Shoulder press
Back squat
#95 for all movements
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Every 1:30 x6
High hang power clean
Hang power
Power clean
21 min partner amrap split as needed
30 cal row
20 burpee over rower
10 power cleans #155
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16 min emom
Min 1&2: 400m run
Min 3: max reps weighted db sit ups
Min 4: rest
8 min amrap
10 alt lunges
10 db pull throughs
50m kb suit case carry
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4x5 deadlifts #335
4 x 3 min amrap
4-6-8-10-12……. Box jump overs
1-2-3-4-5-6……. deadlifts #225
Rest 1:30 between amraps
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Did a HRC Seasoned test yesterday, she passed. All the training paid off. Not sure if we will ever do another but it was nice to see her do very well on it.
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800m run
60 cal echo bike
40 double db s2oh #50
600m run
40 cal bike
20 s2oh
400m run
30 cal bike
10 s2oh
3 sets
20 db curls
20 db skull crusher
Max floor press
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Appreciate it. I have enough Tikka’s have sold a few , traded a few and this one doesn’t fit my hunting style. Tikka is not the only option in good guns , despite the galleries opinion. I do not want to rebarrel a very nice shooting gun.