I live just north of Tulsa, it's been over 100 degrees most of the last two months with lows in the 70s and 80s . 37 sounds so awesome it's not even funny !
Will do .
I'm a planner and want to know the whole process so I know what to expect and how to fix it on the fly if I have to.
Plan A is thier plan
Plan B is my plan
Plan C is the oh shit plan !
That's part of what I'm curious about . Will be flying out of Kotzebue. I didn't know if they have cold storage to freeze it before it goes on the plane . Just trying to figure out how it all works.
For you guys that have been how do you handle getting skins home to have mounted ? Have it tanned in Anchorage and shipped home ? Salted in with meat and shipped home ? Curious how to handle so it's still mountable once I get it home to Oklahoma.